Our blogs
LbQ Home Learning Codes- Daily Learning
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 11:03am
Class 13: ozc Class 14: cst
You have until 8 pm to complete this learning.
Well done to everyone who is doing the learning we set. We are checking every day and are so proud of you.
Don't forget to do Purple Mash and TTRockstars too. If you do not have log in details for Purple Mash please email school and we will get it to you. If you have lost your TTRockstars details it doesn“t matter — its free access at the moment.
Remember you can still quiz on the AR website and read new books on myon.co.uk. If you need more information please email to let us know.
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:57am
Access Purple Mash here to find tasks set by your child's class teacher.
All children at Greenhill Academy have access to Purple Mash. Your child’s teacher will set work on here. Check the alert button on your child’s home page for work that has been set. Otherwise, there are 1000s of fun resources for your child to explore on here, for all curriculum areas. www.purplemash.com/greenhill-ol4
01 Apr 2020 - White Rose Hub Maths- Daily Learning
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:54am
White Rose Hub is a website that we use to help support our Mathematics curriculum. They have kindly put on an activity of the day for you to access at home.
Check it out:
31 Mar 2020 - Ideas for Home Learning
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:53am
These are ideas to help you support your child's learning and are not to be completed all at once. There will be updates from Mr Garth frequently, so please keep checking this page for new ideas and resources.
Home learning ideas for parents and Pre-school children
Nursery Rhymes
In Pre-school we enjoy listening to a variety of nursery rhymes, the children love watching these in class. You can use the Youtube kids app to make sure your children are not exposed to inappropriate advertisements.
Click each link below to find suitable videos for your child :
Mr Tumble — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyIDg6m4gA0
The Wiggles — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se5XcrG4S8s
In Pre-school the children are looking at environmental sounds and discovering the sounds we can make with our bodies using body percussion, all of these are aspects from phase 1 phonics.
For advice on doing phase 1 phonics at home with your children please click on the links below :
These websites are excellent for playing phonics games with your child :
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ — This website is currently free for parents to use. Username: March20 Password: home
https://www.phonicsbloom.com/ — This is currently not free however some games are free without a subscription.
The children love watching Jack Hartmann and numberblocks. You can use the Youtube kids app to make sure your children are not exposed to inappropriate advertisements.
Click on the links before for these videos :
Jack Hartmann — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJMfmGU4VMY&list=PLQK2XiUY9C2grTkHc4Kv0496_5bTt9RYv
Numberblocks — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPlwvN0w4qFSP1FllALB92w/videos
Moving and handling
The children enjoy taking part in different yoga and exercise activities in class, below are links to videos your children will be familiar with :
Patty Shukla — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmclP1Qh09A&list=PL1C312DEA6B4206E6
Joe Wicks — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w&list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvPHOpzoEk5onAEbq40g2-k
Cosmic kids yoga — https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Alongside the books in your child's book bag, here are a few links to other high quality texts :
30 Mar 2020 - Useful websites for Home Learning
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:52am
Here are a list of useful websites for Pre-school to access for home learning
Oldham Library are now offering a service where you can borrow eBooks and audiobooks online. If you are already a member, make sure you take a look and get borrowing. If you are not yet a member, the website will guide you through on how you can become one.Borrow Box - Oldham Library
OMS Class Music Home Learning 2020.pdf
Oldham Sports Development
Oldham Sport Development will be setting a daily challenge for all the students who are missing out on teaching over the coming weeks. This daily challenge will include various activities aimed to keep students active throughout the lockdown. This is open to all Oldham Children. There will range from activities for 4-16 year olds, including physical activities, dances and links to other sites/social media. They will also be able to see clips/videos from their usual coaches. Please could you ask your parents to visit us on twitter- @volsportoldham for updates.
02 Apr 2020 - Purple Mash- Daily Learnin
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:50am
Access Purple Mash here to find tasks set by your child's class teacher.
All children at Greenhill Academy have access to Purple Mash. Your child’s teacher will set work on here. Check the alert button on your child’s home page for work that has been set. Otherwise, there are 1000s of fun resources for your child to explore on here, for all curriculum areas. www.purplemash.com/greenhill-ol4
01 Apr 2020 - White Rose Hub Maths- Daily Learning
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:42am
White Rose Hub is a website that we use to help support our Mathematics curriculum. They have kindly put on an activity of the day for you to access at home.
Check it out:
01 Apr 2020 - Ideas for home learning linked to the REAL Project
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:34am
Ideas for home learning linked to the REAL Project
Attached are some lovely booklets that have ideas of learning activities that can be completed at home and are linked to the REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) project
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 11:36am
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 11:34am