Nursery Home Learning Pack WB 13th July 2020
Date: 7th Jul 2020 @ 3:07pm
Home Learning Nursery- WB: 13th June 2020
How long to spend
Phase 2
Learning the alphabet the phonetic way.
Phonics: Continue to use learn the sounds of the alphabet. Watching:
Type ‘jolly phonics’ into YouTube.
Remember to learn the sound according to how the You Tube video pronounces it. Sssss like a snake. Not ESS.
Task: Learn a new sound daily then practice writing a line of that new sound daily.
20 minutes
10 minutes a day
Book of the week: Noisy Farm
Read aloud on You Tube -
After your second reading of the book, ask your child questions about what happened in the story.
Who were the characters?
Where was the story set? (Setting)
What was your favourite animal?
What sounds did you hear?
20 minutes a day
Complete the Activity – Draw a farm full of animals.
Remember to think of the different animals you saw in the story.
Do not forget to concentrate on the environment and setting of the story.
Were the animals in the jungle?
20 minutes a day
Please continue to practise your name writing every single day. Encourage correct pencil control.
10 minutes a day
Mental maths:
Can you count how many animals are in the picture and attempt to write the numeral out.
10 minutes a day
Height & Size
Sorting by size activity.
Cut out the different images and order by size. From small, medium to big.
10 minutes a day
Activity: Spot the difference in the two farm pictures.
Activity: Create your own farm
Two afternoons
Don’t forget- we love seeing your home learning. You can always take a photo and email to school or tweet us! We are looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.