It's raining money and hats in Class 4.

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 9:01pm

This week Class 4 have been busy learning about money. We began the week with identifying all the different coins we have. Later in the week, we used plastic coins the work out the cost of buying objects.

Many members of Class 4 and their parents have been busy this week making hats for today’s charity event. It was to raise money for The Brain Tumour Research Charity. We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents for helping their children with the hats. Also, a big thank you for your generous donations. Your children looked fantastic.

All the hats were prize winning standard but we were only allowed to choose one per class. For Class 4, we would like to say well done to Safah for being chosen as the winner. Such a clever and creative hat! Well done.

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