Our blogs

Our first week in Class 6!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 3:47pm

We have had the most amazing start to our time in Class 6! We have been reading a book called Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Big Adventure and have enjoyed learning about a brave knight called Sir Charlie who isn't afraid of the monstrous trees or terrible beasties in the deep dark woods. We enjoyed learning about the author; Kristina Stephenson, and wrote our own blurbs. In Maths we have shown our teachers how amazing we are with our number knowledge and even helped some pirates find a stolen treasure map! 

We used our amazing map skills to help us find and locate India on a map of the world and reminded ourselves of our Year 1 learning about continents. 

We cannot wait to show you all our amazing learning throughout the year! 


Reception Weekly Blog WB 6/9/2021

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 12:01pm

All the Teachers in Reception are amazingly proud of all the children who have started in Reception this week. They have been absolute superstars!! They have got used to school routines really quickly and have followed our Bucket Rules brilliantly. 

In English we have introduced the children to the story behind their classes reading area and they have explored all the other areas in their classrooms.

In Maths we have sung lots of counting songs and counted to 10 using our bodies.

We are looking forward to finding our what makes us all INCREDIBLE next week when we read the book Incredible You!

Learning in Class 8

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 8:13am

In Class 8 we have been learning about The United Kingdom. Our WOW starter involved traditional dancing and a tea party in the sun tasting traditional food. We then moved onto map work using the atlases which the children LOVED! We were so excited we needed a five minute run outside to calm down!IMG_0115.jpg

Welcome back Year 6

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 3:03pm

What a lovely start to the term, the children are incredibly enthusiastic and are ready for an extremely important year of learning. 

This week both Year 6 classes have settled in well, they have shown great maturity with their learning and behaviour.

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading our class book ' Who let the Gods Out' and have produced some fantastic character descriptions and diary entries to support their understanding of the book. 

In maths this week we have been looking at the four operations and have used our problem solving skills to find the answers - This was a great opportunity for children to showcase their ' Be an expert learner' pledge point, as they really were experts!

Well done Year 6!



Home learning - week beginning - 6th September 2021

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 11:39am

Please open the 'pobble picture' link to look at the picture.

Please open the videos to talk about.

Welcome back!

Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 10:15pm

Hello and welcome back! 

Hope you all had a lovely summer. It's great to have the children back and they seem ready to learn.

We have enjoyed getting stuck into learning this week with colour exploring art, fruit tasting and travelling in PE.

The children have settled back into routine well and I am looking forward to an exciting year.

First Few Days

Date: 7th Sep 2021 @ 11:12am

We had a fantastic start to our first few day back in school. The children created a class doodle, painted their portrait and created an "All about me poster".

They had a lovely time and they are a lovely class. I am looking forward to teaching them this year!

See the source image

Learning - week ending 3/9/21

Date: 6th Sep 2021 @ 7:54pm

The children had an amazing first week in the base. They came back into school ready to learn and demonstrated this through the work they did. They told each other what they had done in the holidays and asked and answered questions. I think they were all glad to be back at school to see all their friends. 

This week during Literacy, the children have been looking at 'the man on the ice' pobble picture - https://www.pobble365.com/arctic-journey/

They told their 'talk partner' what they could see in the picture. 

They watched a video of 'men with their huskies' in the Antarctic.

They also drew 'the man on the ice' pobble picture using 2 simple on the computer.    

Learning in Class 8 16.7.21

Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 8:29am

This week, Class 8 were super excited to receive their IPads. They had lessons on the basics of getting on, getting set up and getting ready to learn. 

On Friday afternoon we had an end of term/Eid party. What a great way to end an exciting week!

Class Blog WE- 9.7.21

Date: 12th Jul 2021 @ 8:49am

Class 9 have been working very hard this week, rehearsing for the Shakespeare performance.. The children performed in the school grounds and they made me VERY proud!

All of the children have worked incredibly hard and they have put in 100% effort.


Building Independence.

Date: 11th Jul 2021 @ 3:17pm

This week in class the children have been developing their independence skills with familair activities. 

Learning in Learning Base 2

Date: 10th Jul 2021 @ 11:06am

As the children in Learning Base 2 will be in the same classroom in September, they have looked at their classroom setting and displays and decided how they would like to adapt and improve it. 

Ask your child what fantastic ideas they had to further improve their classroom.

Ask your child what buildings they wanted to see on the writing working wall.

Castles dragons and knights in Class 4.

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 7:30pm

This week in C4 we have been busy doing our DT unit on Castles. We started by looking at different types of castles and their structures and designs. We were even able to names the different parts of a castle such as a battlement, drawbridge, moat, dungeons, turret and many more.

The children had a go at designing their own castles. And then in small groups helped each other to make one of the designs. As a team they used many skills of designing, cutting, sticking, colouring and painting.

When finished, the children evaluated their design, looking at what they had learnt, what went well and what they would do better next time.

Making Castles in Class 3

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 4:37pm

This week as part of our DT learning we have been making our very own castles. 

The children got the chance to design their castle structures carefully, before working in groups to construct and decorate their designs, really bringing them to life using paint and a range of different materials.

We were so impressed with some of the finished pieces and how much effort the children put into their work.

On Friday we then evaluted our designs, thinking about what went well, as well as what we would do better next time.


Learning in Class 8 9.7.21

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 7:48am

Class 8 have been doing super learning at home this week. Lots of Purple Mash activities - we will be the best spellers in the school after all these spelling tasks! We have shown great comprehension skills using Serial Mash and shown our understanding of some tricky time telling. See below for an example of the high standard of learning the children are doing at home.

What a fantastic attitude to learning. :)


Our Beach Bags

Date: 6th Jul 2021 @ 12:55pm

This week the children have had the opportunity to design and make their own beach bags. They started by looking at a range of different bags and and carrying out some research. Next they used their findings from their research to design their own beach bag and then moved on to making them or transferring their designs on to pre made bags. Finally they finished with an evaluation of their work. Below are some pictures of the work the children have done over the last week. We are so proud of them. 

Reception Blog WB 5.7.2021

Date: 5th Jul 2021 @ 12:59pm

In Reception we started doing lots of fantastic learning about The Rainbow Fish. The children have been sequencing the story and thinking about the characters we read about. We did lots of thinking about the choices that the Rainbow Fish made  and if we would do the same.

In Maths we have been doing lots of tricky learning about problem solving. The Cheeky Kangaroo came and stole some things from our board and we had to work out what he had take!

We also used the books Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs and Mr Gumpys Outing to help us with our learning.

learning - week ending 2.7.21

Date: 4th Jul 2021 @ 6:49pm

The children looked at the pobble picture ' the elephant with the suitcase'. 

The children decided what they would have in their suitcase in they went on holiday or travelled somewhere. They drew the objects abd wrote the name of the object. 

In maths, the children recapped on o'clock times and learnt to tell 1/2 past times.  

Keeping Simon dry in Class 4.

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 10:54pm

Class 4 have been investigating materials in science this week. We wanted to find a material that is waterproof and could be used to make a rain coat for our class teddy Simon.

We experimented with wool, cotton and a plastic sheet. Before we tested the materials we made a prediction, where we tried to guess which material would actually be waterproof.  We made sure that our test was fair by using the same amount of water for the same amount of time with each material.

We had a great time putting the materials on Simon and testing them out.

By the end of the experiment, we found out that if Simon’s coat was made of cotton or wool, he would get very wet. The material that was best at keeping Simon dry was the plastic sheet. So this material would be good to make a raincoat.


Dragons in class 3

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 7:02pm

This week in class 3, we came in on Monday morning to find a mysterious box of dragon eggs in our classroom, which has been making lots of noise over the weekend.

The children were so inspired by this that they created and designed their very own dragon eggs, and amazing dragons. From this we created a story opener all about them, describing what they looked like and where they lived including lots of fantastic adjectives.

In science we took part in another exciting science experiment, investigating which materials were waterproof and which were not. The children made some super predictions and enjoyed recording their findings as a group.

We have worked so hard this week as a class, and we can't wait to see what the final two weeks together will bring. 

Learning in Year 6 2.7.2021

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 1:49pm

Year 6 have worked hard in completing their rising stars this week and have been very pleased with how they have done. The have also started filming their leavers assembly and have been reflecting on their year. We have thought about what we have enjoyed, what we have learnt and then though about what we want to achieve next year.

Learning in Class 8 2.7.21

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 12:20pm

Class 8 have been reading Julia Donaldson books this week. We have been comparing them and swapping them with friends.

"I really like the way they rhyme" - Fatima

"I like the way they have glitter on the pages" - Zara

"I noticed that in every Axle Sheffler book has a picture of the Gruffalo in it" - Zak

"I enjoyed it when we switched books with a friend" - Hafsah.


Class Blog WE- 2.7.21

Date: 30th Jun 2021 @ 8:38am

Class 9 have been working very hard this week. They have been practising for the Shakespeare Festival and they have been tackling the Rising Star Assessments.

All of the children have worked incredibly hard and they have put in 100% effort. I am proud of them.


Learning - week ending 25th June

Date: 27th Jun 2021 @ 2:37pm

The children have done some lovely social learning this week. They are all developing in their social interaction and communication skills with each other. The children throughout the week are helping each other, sharing the resources and starting to consider each others point of view and ideas. 

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
