Our blogs

What makes a good friend?

Date: 2nd May 2021 @ 9:37am

This week in PSHE, Class 4 has been looking at what makes a good friend. 

We looked at our best friends and discussed what we really like about them. 

Some of the things that Class 4 likes about their friends are that they are,

  • Good listeners
  • Someone who is kind
  • Someone who they can share things with
  • Someone who makes them smile and be happy
  • Someone who is honest

We are proud to say that Class 4 are very good friends with each other and we love the way they value their friendships.

ECO Gardeners

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 3:55pm

This week during our Golden time we took care of our plants. We receive an amazing gift box from the Innocent company and we have all become mini gardeners. 

We also received a beautiful gift from our school Eco team and are not planting, sunflowers, leeks and peas along with beetroot, radish, spinach and salad leaves! 

Stay tuned to watch our gardens grow! 

Learning in Class 8 30.4.21

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 7:43am

The Class 8 Eco Team have been thinking about how to improve the school grounds. Ayat suggested,

Our Amazing Artwork

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 1:37pm

This week the children enjoyed a relaxing art afternoon. They looked at a variety of different landmarks from around the world and then created their own representations using chalk pastels. They created an outline using pencil and looked carefully at the features and positioning of each part before adding in the colour. See if you can guess which famous landmarks they have recreated below. 

Class Blog

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 10:29am


This week we have been learning all about the Vikings in History. The Viking age in European history was from about AD700 to 1100. During this period many Vikings left their homelands in Scandinavia and travelled by longboat to other countries, like Britain and Ireland.

We learnt that the people of Britain first saw the Viking longboats they came down to the shore to welcome them. However, the Vikings fought the local people, stealing from churches and burning buildings to the ground.

The people of Britain called the invaders 'Danes', but they came from Norway and Sweden as well as Denmark. 


Class 9 have had a fantastic day on our Digital Lift Off. We have been amazed with how much information technology is part of our everyday lives. We learned that technology and communication has improved over time and we looked at and created time lines.


We thought about our future jobs and what technology would be involved in them. We are very excited to receive an iPad and enhance our learning opportunities.



First week back!

Date: 25th Apr 2021 @ 2:39pm

Welcome back! It is lovely to see you all :)

The Base children have settled in well to the new routine of the classroom. We have made the most of the sunshine with outdoor learning linked to out topic Animals and Places.

Keep up the good work! 

Digital lift off day in Class 3

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 7:19pm

Today class 3 took part in our fantastic digital lift off day. The children came dressed in all of their favourite colours, and learnt all about digital technology and how we use it at home and in school.

We got to watch some brilliant videos of different professionals who use digital technology in their jobs on a daily basis. The children then got the chance to create a job profile of them, as well as taking part in lots of different activities relating to those jobs, creating their own games, avatars and even designing their own houses.

Take  a look at some of them below. 

Digital Lift Off in Class 4

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 6:19pm

Class 4 have had a fantastic day with our

Learning in Class 8 23.4.21

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 4:48pm

Class 8 have had a fantastic day on our Digital Lift Off. We have been amazed with how much information technology is part of our everyday lives. We thought about our future jobs and what technology would be involved in them. We are very excited to receive IPads and enhance our learning further.  

Here is our knowledge map this morning. 
Here is our knowledge map this afternoon. 

This week we've been learning...

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 4:18pm

This week we started our new topic, which is transport. We focused on road travel. We read a book called 'Naughty Bus'. In the writing area we used shapes and glue to make a car. We also designed our own car by drawing on wheels and passengers.  In the small world area we had fun with small cars and trains, helping them paint.

In R.E we have been learning about Islam. We looked at a prayer mat and shared our own experiences of going to the Mosque. 

On Friday we had digital lift of day were we focused on technology. We made chocolate crispies using the microwave. We took pictures of our friends using the ipad. 


Digital Lift Off!!!

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 3:45pm

We used Kahoot to quiz with our friends

Today we have had an amazing day learning all about Technology.

We wore our brightly coloured, rainbow clothes to show how excited we were about this new adventure we are about to embark on. 

We learnt how to keep ourselves and our technology safe. We also loved reading the book - Here we are by Oliver Jeffers. We discussed our dreams for the future and what role technology might play in that. 

We also enjoyed completing quizzes with our partners through the amazing app- Kahoot! Take a look at some of the exciting activities we had been doing today

Half Term Projects

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 1:50pm

Over the Easter holidays the children were set two different projects one linked to last half terms topic on Inventors and Inventions and one linked to this half terms topic all about The Countryside. 

Some children decided to look at the Inventors and Inventions project - they had to research an inventor and then create a model of something they had invented. They came back to school this week and presented their models to the class and explained what they had found out about this invention. 

Some children decided to look at the Countryside project - they had to research what the countryside looks like and then create a scene in their own way to represent their findings. They shared their pictures/models with the peers and explained what the countryside looked like to them. 

Below are some of the superb models and pictures the children created. A big thank you to the parents also for supporting their children with their home learning and engaging with these projects. 

We have been learning about... cooking

Date: 5th Apr 2021 @ 6:15pm

In Pre-school this week our topic has been cooking.
We have made lots of yummy treats! When making fruit kebabs, the children helped to cut their own fruit up. When making pizza all the children chose which toppings to add and we also made some shortbread biscuits with children weighing and mixing the ingredients together. We made recipe cards by doing mark making and printed pictures with potatoes! We have also read the story of The Gingerbread Man.

Learning In Class 8 1.4.21

Date: 2nd Apr 2021 @ 9:35am

This week the children in Class 8 have taken part in a DT project to create Egyptian Collars. They used skills such as rolling magazine paper to make beads. They were so creative and the results showed their individual creativty. The children were extremely proud of their work.


In maths we have been learning to tell the time - this is usually a tricky subject for the children but we think we have cracked it. Well done Class 8. The week ended with Purple Mash time activities and the learning buzz in the classroom was palpable. 

We have enjoyed a lot of class stories this week - we have made an effort to get more in. Our favourite this week was I want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen.



What we've been learning about..01/04/21

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 3:59pm

This week we've been learning about what we want to be when we're older. We did circle time to discuss what occupations we would like to do when we're older. 

We took advantage of the lovely weather outside and did an easter egg number hunt. When we found a number we had to write it down. 

In the creative area we made easter eggs with lovely patterns and ribbon. We also made Easter cards for our family using a potato with patterns.

A lovely end to a term. Have a safe and relaxing holiday, see you all on the 19th April. 

Year 6 Digital Art

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 7:37am

Year 6 have had a great week in ICT. We have been learning all about digital art. We first recreated a pointillism piece then we moved on to looking at some famous artists. We looked at Mondrian, Picasso and Andy Warhol. We recreated a piece of artwork from each artist. We then had to create our own artwork using these artists as our influence.

Wendel's Workshop - Our Own Retells

Date: 30th Mar 2021 @ 9:31pm

This week the children have enjoyed reading the story of Wendel's Workshop. They started the week by sequencing the events and creating a story mountain to record each part of the story. Next they explored the three main characters further through drama, they became Wendel, Wendelbot and Clunk and used facial expressions, body language and voices to bring the characters to life. Then they developed their own retell of the story and thought about the language they could used from the book, as well as their own vocabulary to enhance the events. Finally they edited the first draft themselves and wrote the final version using the improvements they had thought about. 

We have been learning about... what makes us happy!

Date: 30th Mar 2021 @ 3:19pm

This week we have taken part in lots of sensory activities, that are calming, relaxing and that help to make us happy.  
This included sensory shaving foam and water scented with mint and lemon. We made some sensory bottles using pasta, lentils, glitter and water.
Preschool children listened to lots of happy music, joined in with action songs and played some new games. 
In family group times, we read some stories such as I like it when... and I feel sunny. We talked about our emotions and drew pictures about what makes us happy. 

It's raining money and hats in Class 4.

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 9:01pm

This week Class 4 have been busy learning about money. We began the week with identifying all the different coins we have. Later in the week, we used plastic coins the work out the cost of buying objects.

Many members of Class 4 and their parents have been busy this week making hats for today’s charity event. It was to raise money for The Brain Tumour Research Charity. We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents for helping their children with the hats. Also, a big thank you for your generous donations. Your children looked fantastic.

All the hats were prize winning standard but we were only allowed to choose one per class. For Class 4, we would like to say well done to Safah for being chosen as the winner. Such a clever and creative hat! Well done.

Wear a hat day in Class 3

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 8:18pm

Today was wear a hat day in class 3.

We were so impressed with all of the different hats that the children came in with, so imaginative and creative in lots of different ways.

Take a look at some of the diferent designs below.  We loved raising money for such a fantastic cause.


Reception Weekly Blog WB 22.3.2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:46pm

This week in Reception we went on an adventure with Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs. We learnt lots of names for dinosaurs by singing songs and ,sequenced the story and told it ourselves using a story map.

In Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of 9 and 10, finding lots of different ways to make each number and adding sets of numbers.

On Friday both classes saw some fantastic hats come into school. Thank you so much everyone for your creativity and generous donations!

What we've been learning about..22.03.21

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:01pm

This week we've been learning all about police officers, We read a story called 'I'm afraid you're teddy in trouble'.

In maths we looked at fingerprints and compared amounts. In the creative area we looked at shapes and made a police car looking after them. 

In the lego we played with a police station and police cars. 

Learning in Class 8 26.3.21

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 10:52am

Class 8 had a super day today raising money for the Brain Tumour Charity. We were amazed with the effort that some children put in. We had Alice in Wonderland, Easter and Food themed hats. I'm sure you would agree that Zak's hat stole the show with his Healthy/Unhealthy hat. Which side would you choose?

An amazing return...

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 10:30am

This week Class 6 have shown great enthusiasm to be back at school! We have followed instructions and used our food technology skills to make our very own delicious fruit salad. The children then used this expereince to write an explaination text about how a healthy fruit salad would make a perfect snack. 

We also reminded ourselves of our number and calculation skills by showing our teachers how fantastic we are at addition and subtraction! 

Next week we are looking at place value again and writing a character description of the main protagonist Wendel from our comprehension book; Wendel's workshop. 

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