Click to see what Class 14 have been learning this week...
Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 10:27am
This week in Class 14 we have been extremely busy with our learning and shown this through our growing mindset that we are continuing to develop.
We have approached this week by introducing metacognition into our learning and adapted a new principle where we are ‘thinking about our thinking’ and combating a fixed mindset. With this in mind, in maths we developed our reasoning skills and worked with our partners to tackle some difficult multiplication problems. The children did find these difficult at first but overcame their struggles once they evaluated their learning and thought about their thinking with their partners. Well done Class 14!
In English, we are focusing on ‘The Diary of Anne Frank.’ The children are writing a persuasive letter, where they are persuading the Franks to go into a secret location – the annex, for their safety. The children have produced some fantastic letters and focused heavily on formal language, emotive language and persuasion.
Well done Class 14 for your hard work and growing mindset.
Kind regards,
Mrs Khalil