Our blogs
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 10:58pm
This week in Base 1 we have been learning about animals we find in the garden. The children have really enjoyed getting creative making caterpillar and butterfly pictures.
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 7:00pm
In PSHE lessons this week, Class 4 have been doing life cycles. The lesson helped the children to start to understand the life cycles of animals and humans and changes that happen as we grow. We played the game ‘Find your pair’ where children had a picture card and they had to find their pair for example, the baby kitten and the adult cat were a pair. The children discussed the changes the pairs went through to become adults. The children also worked together to sort the life cycles of the butterfly and the frog.
In the Reflection Puzzle Piece children drew a picture of one thing they liked about being their current age and completed their sentence: ‘When I grow up, I want to be...’ It was great to see that many of the children were very creative with what they wanted to be.
Does it sink or float? - Class 3's super scientists
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:38pm
This week in class 3 we have been learning all about materials in science. As a class we did a group experiment where we explored which materials would sink, and which would float. We made super predictions before and after our experiment and recorded what we found. Have a look at some of our pictures below.
In maths we have been looking at multiplication and division. The children have been using a range of practical and pictorial equipment to support them with their learning. We were so impressed with how hard the children have worked this week.
Well done Class 3 for another super week in school!
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:36pm
Class 8 have been learning how to write a tourist information leaflet about the area of the Mayan Civilisation. We were amazed by their ability to create the layout independently and to use the style of language suitable for this. Take a look at the photograph to see just what super stars Class 8 are!
This week we've been learning about this week...Farm animals
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:32pm
This week we've been learning about Farm animals! We read a story called 'The little red hen' which was about lazy farm animals who would not help the hen make bread. We looked at videos about how bread is made and how the farmer collects the wheat.
In the painting area we painted pictures of hen using the correct colours. We also used cotton woll to paint picture of sheep.
In family group activities we looked at the jobs the farmer has to do and where the different foods come from!
We drew pictures of the farm animals and began to sound out how to write them.
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 12:17pm
Year 4 have had another busy and fun filled week.
This week we have been busy learning about time, we have converted analogue into digital time and created our own school timetable. Why not test your childs knowledge of time at home?
For English this week the children have created factual booklets based on the Vikings, how amazing and informative they all were!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the upcoming sunshine.
Mrs Khalil and Miss Cummins
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 12:13pm
This week year 6 have been imaging they are Shackleton and writing in his diary. We thought about how we can make our writing less formal than last week using words like lads, mates and graft. We have done some brilliant Graffiti art, using an online graffiti generator. Both Year 6 classes have now taken part in a football tournament, which they very much enjoyed.
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 11:35am
This week we have been learning all about- William Shakespeare's - A Midsummer Night's Dream.
This play is a comedy written by William Shakespeare c. 1595 or 1596. The play is set in Athens, and consists of several subplots that revolve around the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta.
The children have been researching the story, acting and directing scenes from the story. The children have been amazing !
Reception Weekly Blog WB 21.6.2021
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 11:08am
This week we have continued our learning about sea creatures. We have devised some riddles to give clues about a sea creeature and we guessed which animal it was - there were some tricky clues!
In maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers - looking at putting sets of objects into pairs and seeing if there are any left over. It is tricky learning!
In our garden the bean plants are getting really tall now and the carrot seedlings have poked through the soil. We have planted strawberries too. Lots of children say that the sunflower plants that were sent home as seeds at Easter are getting REALLY tall now - we would love to see some phtos of them on Seesaw!
Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 10:57am
This week the children in Class 5 have been learning all about the Seaside in the Past. They had a look at different entertainment and actvities that happened at the seaside years ago. They watched a Punch and Judy show and found it hilarious! As part of our Literacy we took part in drama actvities to create our own puppet shows then looked at a variety of scene from Punch and Judy shows and added in our own speech. Later in the week we created our very own Punch and Judy scene and turn our ideas into a playscript.
Below is some of the work we have done this week for you to look at, we are very proud of what we have created!
Date: 21st Jun 2021 @ 4:04pm
Class 12 took part in a school linking project last week with Mayfield Primary School. We created a joint poem with the their year 5 class and also completed some fantastic artwork that will be going on display in Gallery Oldham.
This is the poem that they created.
Linking Schools Poem:
Who are we and how do we live together?
We live in a town called Oldham, where we have treasured memories, have a proud history of art and leisure, do bungee jumping and cliff climbing with friends, don’t judge others, and have fantastic places to go for walks with our family.
We are caring, nice, sweet and kind, passionate, helpful and make good choices to help others, and welcoming to everyone.
We soar to the skies and believe, achieve and succeed; we learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow.
And in this perfect place are happy people who live their lives to the fullest; lots of landscapes, rivers and mountains; peace and harmony, opportunities to develop and achieve anything you want, delicious food and colourful roads, love and affection, clean streets that are litter free, and beautiful skies and people.
We keep it beautiful by reducing the amount of waste, reusing items when we can and recycling, keeping it tidy, staying clean and helping poor people.
Our Oldham is amazing because of its unique people and different cultures, special because our nature thrives, and our Oldham is the heart of us.
By Mayfield Primary and Greenhill Academy Year 5
Date: 20th Jun 2021 @ 5:25pm
Class 9 have been working hard this week.
For our English this week the children wrote an alternative re-tell to the story of Beowulf.
For Maths, the children were asked to solve a range of questions involving fractions and probability. They worked very hard and learned new skills and developed a greater understanding.
For our Science topic we investigated whether gases have weight. The children had lots of fun investigating this and observing what happens to a fizzy cola bottle when shaken vigorously! Ask them what they learned!
What we have been learning in Year 6
Date: 20th Jun 2021 @ 12:51pm
Year 6 had a great week thinking about our Enterprise project. We worked together to come up with a range of ways to fundraise. After we decided on two ideas we used the computers to create posters to advertise our different events. We also looked at applying for a job on Shackleton's expedition to Antarctica. We had to think about levels of formality to ensure our applications would be considered.
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 10:23pm
The children have been working hard this week.
We have been mark making in shaving foam, directing Beetbots to different shapes and counting the skittles as they fall down.
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 4:43pm
This week in Maths, Class 4 has been busy looking at volume. We have been comparing different liquid amounts and later went onto measuring and recording.
We developed our skills of using measuring cylinders and measuring jugs to measure different amounts of liquid.
To finish off the week we followed a recipe to make a magical potion for Rapunzel to quickly grow her hair so that she could escape from the tower.
Another fantastic week in class 3
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 4:38pm
This week, Class 3 have had another amazing week in school.
In maths we have had so much fun learning all about capacity and volume. This week we got the chance to measure out different volumes, working carefully to use and accuratley read a measuring cylinder as well as looking at the scale on a measuring jug.
On Friday we also received a very special letter from Rapunzel. She wanted us to make her a magic potion. Can you guess what it was for? That's right it was to make her hair grow even longer. We had to work carefully in our groups to follow the recipe to make her magic potion, making sure that we measured out each liquid properly.
This week we have also started learning about our new history topic 'Castles and knights.' We had so much fun finding out what it was like to be a knight, creating our very own coat of arms and taking part in medieval dancing. Take a look at some of the pictures below.
Learning - week ending - 18th June 2021
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 4:16pm
The children in Learning Base 2 have had a lovely week of learning.
In Maths, the children have been learning about length and height. They selected equipment from within the classroom and measured it using a ruler.
In Literacy, the children have been talking about the 'giraffe' picture. They drew a picture of where they would take the giraffe.
What we've been learning about this week...Mini Beasts! (14/06/21
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 4:14pm
This week we started our new topic, which was Living Things. We focused on Mini Beasts and read the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. In the writing area we drawed the hungry caterpillar and thought about all of the different foods he ate. In the painting area we painted him using the correct colours. We worked together in pairs to sequence the order of the story.
For maths we look at ladybirds and how their spots are always symmetrical. We used them to play a number game, matching the right side of the numbered spots. We also looked at simple addition and tried adding the fruits together by writing the numeral down.
Super week nursery!!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.6.2021
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 12:15pm
This week Reception started their new topic of 'Water'.We read the book Commototion in the Ocean which introduced us to lots of poems about sea creatures. We reasearched some of them using iPads and found out lots of amazing facts - did you know that an octopus has three hearts and can grow new arms! We wrote some fantastic descriptions of the creatures too!
In maths we have been learning how to divide by sharing equally. We helped teddy bears to have a fair picnic and gingerbread men have an equal number of buttons!
Next week we shall be writing riddles about the sea creatures and odd and even numbers.
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 7:05pm
This week has been the start of our topic on the Ancient Maya Civilisation. Wow! What a lot of new learning we have taken in. Teachers and children learning together to find out some amazing facts about these people. We have used the IPads to research in Topic and Literacy as well as at home on Purple Mash. We have learnt about life in general, chocolate, sports and their amazing buildings. We ended the week making a special box to keep all our learning about the Maya in.
Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 10:06am
This week the children started their final topic in RE all about Teachers and Leaders. They started by thinking about what the role of a teacher or leader is and some of the specific things they would have to do. Then they thought about those at home that would be responsible for them and those in school that would be seen as teachers and leaders in different situations. They recorded their teachers and leaders at home and in school and explained why they felt they were the best option for this role.
Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 8:23am
This week's star of the week is Abdullah. You have really helped the class with your amazing knowledge and understanding of animals.
Date: 14th Jun 2021 @ 9:48pm
What an amazing week that Year 5 have had. As part of our curriculum week, we have been working with Chester Zoo to create a new style of orienteering lesson. We used QR codes to find out more information about the different the animals. The children in both Class 11 and Class 12 have created a new futuristic zoo and a new aquarium for Chester Zoo.
An exciting Curriculum Week in Year 6
Date: 13th Jun 2021 @ 9:58am
Year 6 had a great week designing a QR hunt around Oldham. We composed emails, created clues, QR codes and adverts to advertise our hard work. We also considered the future of Oldham, we mainly thought about how hospitals, schools and our homes will change because of technology.
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 9:53pm
This week was curriculum week, in which we looked at different ways in which technology could make our futures look very different.
Class 4 have worked hard to design futuristic sports goggles and shoes. Some designs had self-tying laces and used a shift wear app to change its design to match the outfit. We have also been busy in the computer room, designing cars that are linked to our moods. To finish off the week, we used junk modelling to make our dream bedrooms of the future. Some of our bedrooms had smart windows that would change the colour of the walls and carpet when we wanted. We also had smart wardrobes that would show us what our outfits would look like without us having to try anything on.