Our blogs

Fruit Salad Project Completed!

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 9:35am

Following on from last week, the children have completed their Design Technology project - Fruit Salads. They used their research and designs from last week to turn the images into reality. The children worked in small groups to choose their fruits, chop and prepare them, share them out in to bowls and add their favourite juice! They enjoyed working with their friends and eating their yummy fruit salad in class. They completed the project by evaluating what had gone well and what they would improve or change next time. 

We have been learning about... being active!

Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 4:02pm

In pre-school this week we have been doing fun activities around being active.
The children have practiced their physical skills, balance and coordination during indoor and outdoor play.
We have done some large scale drawing, exploring playdough and singing action songs.
All children had turns at trying out the hopscotch mats- jumping , running or hopping along it.
Stories we read this week are Wiggle and Giggle and Doing the Animal Bop.

Baking Biscuits in Class 4.

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 7:27pm

Class 4 have had a fun filled week, from acting out the story ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ to creating our own bakery in the classroom.

In DT this week, we have been very busy. To begin with, we designed biscuits, thinking about the shape and the different toppings we could use.

Later in the week, we followed the instructions of a simple recipe to make biscuits. After baking them, we decorated them with different toppings.

The finished product was so temping that many of the biscuits were gobbled up within minutes by the children. However, some managed to resists the temptation and waited to take their biscuits home to enjoy in the comfort of their own home.

Well done Class 4, we hope you enjoyed your biscuits.

Learning in Class 8 19.3.21

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:57pm

Class 8 have been continuing their learning on hobbies in French. Today they were asking a partner 'Aimez vous...?' Their partner responded with a 'oui' or a 'non' and then went on the say 'mais je prefere...' Class 8 are getting so good at speaking, reading and writing in French.


What we've been learning about...15/03/21

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:29pm

This week we have been learning about Fire Fighters. We made a big fire engine by working together as a team. We read a story called 'A cat in the tree'. In maths we played a number game. We had to use plastic tweezers to pull out numbers from the fire (tissue paper). In Phonics we re-cap the letter S. We also looked at voice sounds and practiced them. 

WB 15.3.2021 Reception Weekly Blog

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 1:49pm

This week Reception have really enjoyed doing some great learning about Toy Story. They have made wooden spoon puppets of the characters and written some fantastic charcter descriptions. 

In maths we have been consolidating our learning about 7 and 8. we even managed to do some magic by being able to say what was on the bottom on a dice just by looking at the top of it!

In P.E. we did some fantastic balancing and jumping on the equipment in the hall - we loved it!

Design Technology Project - Fruit Salad

Date: 17th Mar 2021 @ 10:24am

In Design Technology this week Class 5 have started their Fruit Salad project. They carried out a research task and tasted lots of different fruits and score each one out of 10. Next they designed 2 or 3 different fruit salads using the fruits they liked from the tasting session, and then picked a final design as their favourite. They labelled the design and gave it a name ready for the making session next week. 

We have been learning about... doctors!

Date: 14th Mar 2021 @ 8:40pm

This week in Pre-school we have been learning about DOCTORS. We talked about visiting the doctor when we feel poorly. The children have been role-playing in our doctors surgery, looking at x-rays and pretending to be a doctor using the doctors set.

We read stories together about Maisy Mouse going to hospital  and a book called OUCH! I need a plaster.

We have also made cards for Mothers Day.

Class 4 are glad to be back!

Date: 13th Mar 2021 @ 9:00am

It has been fantastic to have all the children back in class, we have missed them so much.

In Class 4, we have been learning all about trees in our science lessons. We learnt two long and difficult words this week. ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Deciduous’ trees. We have looked at their features and how they are different. We have also been naming and grouping different trees.


For our shared read this week, Class 4 read the book 'Biscuit Bear' by Mini Grey. We enjoyed finding out about what Biscuit Bear got up to in the middle of the night.


We ended the week by making some very special flowery cards, for a very special person.

‘Mum’s the word.’

Class 3 - First week back

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 7:50pm

This week we have been so excited to have all of Class 3 back in school. smiley

Everyone has been working so hard this week, getting back into our routines and producing some super learning, that we have been so proud of.

This week we introduced our new class topic 'The Great Fire of London.' In Literacy we have been reading a story linked to our topic, where we made some super art work describing the setting of The Great Fire of London. Take a look at the photos below, showing some amazing examples of our learning. 

I'm maths we have been re-capping our addition and subtraction work. Class 3 really impressed us with their knowledge of all of the different methods that they could remember, and they worked really hard to solve lots of different questions and maths problems.

This week we have also produced some beautiful Mother's Day cards ready for Sunday which we were really proud of. We hope all of our families have a lovely day together, and we can't wait for another super week next week! 


What we've been learning about..First week back (12/03/21)

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:32pm

This week we have been learning about Doctors and Nurses. We transformed our home area in Nursery into Greenhill's Doctors Surgery! We all joined in with some great doctor and patient role play, using a stephoscope, a thermometer and even bandaging our patients up. We also looked at some pictures of patients in the doctors and talked about what we thought was going on, this works great to improve our sentence structures. 

In phonics we had a re-cap rhyme and made a silly soup.

In maths we looked a more and less, comparing amounts.

In the creative area we made ambulances using junk modelling and blue pompoms for the siren. 

We also made mothers day cards for our lovely mums!

Great first week Nursery!!



Learning in Class 8 12.3.21

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:30pm

This week Class 8 have been writing fact sheets about themselves in Literacy and in Maths we have been recapping the learning we did during lockdown.

Our best lesson this week was French. We were learning about hobbies and played a game of charades. A child came to the front and acted out a hobby and whether they liked it, loved it, disliked it or detested it. The others had to write the sentence on the board to describe it e.g. Je deteste jouer au football or J'aime nage. It was lots of fun and great skills reading and writing French.

Reception Weekly Blog WB 8.3.2021

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:28pm

This week in Reception we have been delighted to welcome back all the children. We have continued our learning on toys - looking at a non fiction book to get lots of information.

We have been hearing about each others favourite toys and went into the computer suite to draw them using a software package.

In Maths we have consolidated our knowledge of numbers up to ten and had lots of fun playing hopscotch and other games!

We enjoyed our first P.E. session and remind parents that the children need to come in their P.E. kit every Tuesday.

LBQ Code 02/03/21

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 8:27am

The LBQ code for today is BCZ9



Year 5's Bubble Star of the Week ... Farwa!

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 1:20pm

Year 5's Bubble Star of the Week is Farwa! We have all been so impressed with how hard Farwa has been working and the progress that she is making! Keep up the fabulous work! smiley

Class 12's Remote Star of the Week .... Sayem!

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 1:18pm

Class 12's Remote Star of the Week is Sayem!  We are really impressed with his effort and dedication to his remote learning! Keep up the good work! smiley

Learning in the Year 3 Bubble

Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 12:45pm

The Year 3 Bubble have had a great week learning about the Ancient Egyptian Myth - Seth, The Evil One. They have written their own books and some children were recorded reading them so we can share them with other classes.


In Science we have been learning about plants and what each part of the plant and flower is for. We then did some lovely paintings of flowers. 

In Maths we are learning to tell the time including AM and PM. We are ending the week feeling confident in our new learning. 

LBQ Code 10/02/21

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 8:37am

Good Morning Year 5

The LBQ code for today is - KDXS

There is also a Purple Mash Activity that goes with this.

Keep Smiling and Keep Safe


Mr Bottomley laugh

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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

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