Our blogs
What we've been learning about in Nursery 11/10/21
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 12:01pm
This week we've been learning about a story called 'The wolf who wouldnt sleep'. We had group discussions about how important it is to go to sleep early and follow a healthy routine. We talked about our Dentist experiences and what drinks and foods are good for us. All about keeping a balanced diet.
In the Maths area we focused on counting and recognising shapes. We also looked at making patterns with different colours using lego. All the children did super with finishing the pattern.
In the Writing area we drew patterns using different colours and shapes. In the creative area we painted self potraits to fill up our lovely Family tree display in Nursery.
We had fun outdoors as the morning children found a furry catterpillar looking for food.
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 10:04am
Class 8 have been learning about two different artists this week, W Turner and L S lowry. The children used different art media to create a moody background. Then they added a boat and lighthouse to their image using watercolours and chalk pastels for the waves. The children were amazing and produced some super star results. They had lots of fun too!
Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:59am
This week, in Class 9, the children have been working on develoing their multiplication knowledge and understanding through problem solving. They have also been working on persuation in English and have created advertisements to sell a Mythical Toy.
In Science the children have been making circuits and have checked to see if the materials are conductors or insulators.
They had lots of fun !
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 7:18pm
Yesterday was Read, Achieve, Succeed Day at Greenhill. The children had a great time getting stuck in with activities such as making posters for their favourite Shakespeare plays, creating a Tudor family tree and best of all getting to choose a book from the wide selection bought in by Madeleine Lindley.
We were also amazed by the wonderful story books and jars that were bought in. We would like to thank all of our parents for supporting their children with this activity.
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 6:51pm
On Thursday this week Class 3 got the opportunity to take part in our 'Read , Achieve, Suceed ' day. The children took part in lots of exciting activities during the day all based around our class text 'The lonely Beast.'
We used our drama skills to act in role as the lonely beast as well as drawing and creating out very own settings for where we thought the beast would live. Lots of us brought in our amazing story boxes too and we got the chance to share them with the rest of the class.
During the day ,we were extremely lucky as everyone in our class got to take home their very own book that they had chosen. We had so much fun taking a look at all of the different books on offer.
What we've been learning about in Nursery..08/10/21
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:13pm
This week in Nursery we read a story called 'Stickman'. Selected children went on a nature walk to look for children sticks and Autumn coloured leaves, we then used those sticks to make our own stick man, using glue and tape.
In the creative area the children used natural materials to print and observed the different patterns we can make.
For our special Read Achieve Day on Thursday we created a class story box based on the story Stickman. Some children were busy drawing the characters on paper whilst some children decorated the box by painting and sticking to match the environment.
In the writing area we focused on drawing our family members for our lovely Family tree display!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 4.10.2021
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:09pm
This week Reception went on Local Area walks. We saw lots of different buildings and other features in the local community. Back in school we have made a map of the area using box modelled buildings. We used Google Eatrth to look at how our local community fits into the world.
In English we did lots of great learning about the book 'In Every House in Every Street' and compared the house in the book to our own. We had fun thinking of silly things which we did in each room!
In Maths we have been comparing length and quantities and seeing who is taller and who is shorter.
Next week our story is The Runaway Chapatti - and our treat on Friday will be to make chapattis and egg curry - we can't wait!
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 3:43pm
Watch our video from our amazing READ ACHIEVE SUCCEED DAY...
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 8:22am
Class 8 had a super Read Achieve Succeed day. We were very grateful for the free book and couldn't wait to start reading.
We made our own story videos and added special effects on the Ipads.
We enjoyed making a Book in a Box and had some lovely creative ideas. The winner was Tayba with her Harry Potter box.
Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 4:57pm
This week class 5 have had a fantastic week exploring our new book 'The Jungle Book'. We have been retelling the story using the app 'Chatterpix'. We had to make sure we used lots of amazing adjectives, terrific time connectives and wonderful verbs. Please scan the QR code to below to listen to our retell of The Jungle Book.
On Thursday, we had a fantastic time going into Greenhill's book shop and choosing our own books to take home with us.One of our favourite part of the day was using the ipad to follow step by step videos on youtube to draw some of our favourite characters from the stories.
We have also loved sharing our wonderful book in a boxes that we have created at home. Thank you so much to all of our families who spent alot of time making their brilliant book in a box.
Year 6 Blog week ending 8/10/21
Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 1:59pm
What an amazing week we have had in Year 6. We have been reading the book the Harmonica in class and have been using the text to produce some descriptive writing. This has not been easy as we had to understand the hardships and suffering that the Jewish people had to live through during the Second World War.
In Maths we have been looking at Algebra. Can anyone solve this equation?
5x+10 = 2x+31
The highlight of our week has been when we had our Read, Achieve, Succed day. We loved the reading activities and we also got the opportunity to choose a book from Madeline Lindley. Thank you to the Harmony Trust for making this happen.
Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 5:01pm
This week, in Class 9, the children have been working on using their iPads and they have been researching information and developing their knowledge.
In English, the children have been developing alterate endings for their Greek myth story and they have subtracting in Maths !
Well done class 9
What we've been learning about in Nursery (27/09/21)
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
This week in Nursery we have been learning about a story called 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We had our own bear hunt outdoors as we looked for the hidden bears and chanted the story. In the writing area we drew our favourite part of the story using feltips. In the Maths area we tried to finish the pattern, by looking for the missing bear.
In the small world area we acted out the story pretending to be the family, going through the different environments singing the rhyme out loud!
Learning - week ending - 1.10.21
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:15pm
The children have used the pobble picture 'polar bears on the snow and ice'.
They described what the polar were doing and where they were going.
They read Concepts in Print words and made them into sentences.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 27.9.2021
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 1:48pm
Reception have had lots of fun this week learning about houses in the 1940s as part of our English learning about the book Peepo. We looked at the different rooms in a house and said what was the same and different to our own houses. We saw record players, radios and toilets that were very different from what we are used to! We also shared lots of ideas about who is in our familiy.
In maths we have been very busy matching and sorting lots of different sets of objects.
Next week everyone in Reception will be going on a Local Area walk and we will be talking about what we can find in our local community.We will be comparing quantities and sizes in maths as well as singing lots of counting songs.
What another fantastic week of learning Year 6
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 11:00am
What a fantastic week of learning we have had in Year 6!
This week we have been learning all about fractions, decimal and percentages. The children have used their previous` knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages to find equivalences and work out fractions of amounts.
For our English session, we focused on a text called 'The Harmonica' and collectively wrote a playscript. The children identified themes of a playscript, wrote thier own versions and had the opportunity to act out their scripts.
During our science session, we researched adaptations and created our own animal, thinking about what the animal would like and how it would behave in order to survive and adapt.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Khalil and Mr Bottomley
Another fantastic week of learning in Class 5!
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 7:44pm
This week we have had a fun filled week of learning in class 5! We started the week by imagining we were walking through a jungle. We worked in groups to think about what noises we might hear from the animals, lagoon and waterfall around us. Then in groups we worked together to create a setting box of the jungle thinking carefully about the important physical features of a jungle. How creative we are!
We have also continued our coding unit of work in computing this week. We have been creating algorithms to create our own programs on purple mash. Why not ask us what an algorithm is?
Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 4:45pm
Year 5 have been working on their science unit on forces this week. Earlier in the week we explored friction and later we went onto looking at water resistance.
We compared the time a ball of plasticine took to fall through the air and through water. We found out the ball falling through the water took longer than the one in the air.
Year 5 then carried out an experiment to test how the shape of the ball would affect the time it took to fall through water. We found that more streamline shapes helped the ball to fall quicker.
Another amazing week in Class 3
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 8:05pm
This week Class 3 have had so much fun reading the story 'The Gingerbread man.'
On Tuesday we even received a letter from the gingerbread man explaining that he wanted a different ending to his story! Class 3 came up with lots of super ideas and even used their super acting skills to act out different parts of the story and coming up with some brilliant sentences.
In maths this week we have been learning all about addition. The children have been adding different amounts using the part-whole model, using a range of different methods to support their learning. We were so impressed with everybody's counting skills.
In Topic this week we have been exploring our local area using lots of different maps and interactive resources, as well as thinking about where we live and writing down our own address.
We have had such an amazing week this week in Class 3, and we can't wait for next week where we will take part in even more fantastic learning!
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 9:37pm
This week Class 8 have shown great listening skills and focus during their iPad training. They have set up passwords, changed avatars, found their way around all the function buttons, explored different Apps and read and quizzed on how to look after and keep their iPad safe. Once they have completed all 5 training lessons they will be bringing their iPad home.
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 10:41am
This week, we have been working very hard to devlop the children's Metacognition so they are "Thinking about their Thinking" before, during and after lessons, to understand how they are learning.
They have also continued to learning all about Theseus and the Minotaur and they have written a detailed retell of the story!
In Maths, the children have been rounding up or down to make quick estimations and in PSHE they have been thinking about responsibilities at home and school.
Maybe you could give your child a responsibilty at home, that they could talk about in the classroom?
The children have also been continuing to learning all about Hinduism, Electricity and Travelling in PE.
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 5:15pm
The children have been developing their climbing and jumping skills. We were very impressed with the increase in confidence.
Creating Sensory toys in Class 3
Date: 26th Sep 2021 @ 4:15pm
This week in Class 3 as part of our Science learning, we had the amazing opportunity to make our own sensory toys!
Using cardboard tissue rolls and tissue paper we carefully wrapped and decorated our toys, to make rain 'shakers' adding in cloves to make sure they smelt especially nice, as well as producing a lovely relaxing sound.
Have a look at some of our designs below.
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:43pm
The children in Learning Base 2 have had a fantastic week.
They have decorated hundreds of biscuits to sell to raise money for new resources.
The children are working together to decide what to buy for their classroom to support their learning.
Click to see what Year 6 have been learning this week...
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:21pm
This week the children continued thier learning of Rose Blanche and had a go at writing their own alternative ending to the story. It was such a pleasure to see the children capture such an important time with great sympathy and imagination. Well done Year 6!
In maths the children worked on further reinforced their knowledge of fractions to build on next week’s learning where we will be looking at decimals and percentages.
In our comprehension session we read a text based on Ruby Bridges. This was a great opportunity for the children to discuss racism and encourage being tolerant and respectful of one another.
Lastly, for RE the children discussed what they were grateful for and displayed this on our class tree.
It has been a great week of learning, see you next week.
Mrs Khalil