Our blogs

Reception Weekly Blog WB 24.5.2021

Date: 27th May 2021 @ 4:38pm

This week Reception have been learning 'How to Grow a Dinosaur'! We have created some fantastic Story Maps and really enjoyed retelling the story about Albie and his magic seeds from them. In the garden we have been planting some seeeds of our own - not magic ones!- and hope that the flowers and vegetables we planted outside will start growing soon.

In Maths we  have been looking at shapes an how to create new bigger shapes from a collection of smaller ones. We worked to gether to make the longest thinnest rectangle we could from squares and the biggest square we could from smaller ones.

Next week is Half Term and Reception Holiday Learning is on the Website and Seesaw. We hope all our children have a fantastic break and come back excited to take part in our Digital Lift Off Curriculum Week.

Class Blog WE- 22.5.21

Date: 26th May 2021 @ 8:45pm

This week in English we have been developing our knowledge of the Lindisfarne attack during the Viking and Anglo Saxon period of time. During the week the children have developed their newspaper writing skills and have created their written pieces without any scaffolds. They are fantastic!

During our topic session the children have learned  some of the reason why the Vikings raided England and have created factual posters.



What we have been doing in Year 6!

Date: 26th May 2021 @ 3:24pm

Year 6 worked really hard last week during a mock SATS week. We used all of our learning and worked so hard. We loved the morning breakfasts especially the hot chocolate.  In the afternoon we focused on lots of team games and activities. This week we have been investigating electricity. We have looked at what happens when more bulbs are added to circuit and how we can then make them brighter


We have been learning about ... Rainbow colours

Date: 26th May 2021 @ 11:30am

This week in Pre-school we looked at rainbow colours and fun mixing paints to see what new colours we could make. We matched colours of the rainbow using pom poms and decorated biscuits with different colours. 

The children had a go at making instruments out of small pots and explored mark making in lots of different ways. 

We read the story of The Rainbow fish and children used puppet props to retell the story.

We have been learning about... the colour orange

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 10:27pm

This week in pre-school we have been exploring the colour orange.

We added roadways and orange construction toys to our small world and construction areas. 

We have explored orange themed activities, painting and collage and practiced mark making in a tray of orange custard. 

In family group times we read stories, practiced writing skills and explore jigsaw puzzles. 

Home Learning Wc 24.5.21

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 9:33pm

Log on to your Seesaw to access the activities.


Our Trip to Alexandra Park

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 1:00pm

Last week the children had the opportunity to visit Alexandra Park and complete a variety of tasks. We linked our trip last week to our Literacy this week and wrote a recount of our experience at the park. The children were excitied and eager to get out of the classroom and take their learning to a different environment. Even thought the weather was a little soggy, the children were very enthusiastic about the four different activities we did. We started our afternoon by completing an orienteering course to find all the different symbols, they worked really hard to follow the map and spot the signposts. Next we played some ball games in the Lion's Den and had a little rest before our next activity. Later the children sat on benches around the fountain and created some observational drawings of the fountain it's self and the surrounding plants and flowers. To complete our afternoon we played 'I Spy' around the park and found different buildings and features, they each recorded what they saw on their spotter sheet to refer to this week in Literacy. The children were amazing and so well behaved! We have really enjoyed looking back at the pictures this week and discussing our trip to the local park. 

ICT fun this week in class 3

Date: 23rd May 2021 @ 2:02pm

This week Class 3, got the chance to practice and perfect their ICT skills.

We had so much fun designing our own amazing fact sheets all about the different landmarks in London, as well as having a go at creating some of our own animations on scratch JR.

Our teachers were so impressed with how hard we worked on our animations, working hard to create a simple algorithm to make the characters move across the backgrounds we had chosen. 

Under the Sea

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 4:53pm

Another busy week in class!

The children have enjoyed exploroing our under the sea sensory tray, collage and printing sea pictures. 

We even make cakes this week with blue icing sea and biscuit sand :)

Reception weekly Blog WB 17.5.2021

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 4:51pm

This week we were amazed how much the chicks had grown. We loved having them in our classrooms and were sad to see them leave us and go back to the farm on Friday.

This week in English we did some fantastic learning about a wonderful book called 'Who is in the egg?'.We learned that it is not just caterpillars and chicks that come from eggs but other animals like alligators and platypus! We did some internet research about some of the animals and all the children presented their facts to the whole class on Friday. They were all fantastic!

In maths this week we have been learning to subtract and tell subtraction stories using the language First ,Then , Now. Next week we will be looking at shapes and how to combine them.

What we've been learning learning about this week..17/05/21

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 4:33pm

This week we've been learning all about Air travel. We shared a story about a helicopter and an airplane. 

In the creative area we made hot air balloons using paper plates, paint and straw. Following our air travel topic, in the writing areas we made our own passports, thinking of the initial sounds we needed to write.

Its been an exciting week for receptions eggs as they hatched! We all had a gentle stroke of the chicks and talked about what things they needed to survive in their small box. 

In the maths area we had fun with shapes as we played shapes domino! 

ICT Skills in Class 4.

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 2:08pm

This week in Class 4, we have been developing our ICT Skills. We used 2Publish to create fact sheets about famous landmarks in London. We used our fine motor skills to control the mouse and draw pictures of the landmarks. Then we named the landmarks and wrote facts about them.

Later, we further developed our skills using Scratch Junior. We choose different backgrounds and characters and programmed them to move around the screen. We had so much fun doing this that time flew by quickly and before we knew it, it was time to go home.

Another week of super learning!

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 9:44am

Hello everyone,

I hope those celebrating Eid last week, had a wonderful time with their families.

This week we have been busy in Class 10 and have complete lots of learning. Our focus for maths this week was capacity; we looked at volume, compared capacity and converted units of measure. 

Our focus for English this week was to write a newspaper report about the terrible tragedy, which unfolded in Lindisfarne in AD 793. The children produced some exceptional reports and gave a thorough recount of the barbaric attacks carried out by the Vikings.

Lastly, for our topic, we explored the Viking Invasion in more detail and the children wrote about the reasons why the Vikings invaded and settled on Anglo-Saxon lands. How informative they all were.

Take care and be safe,

Mrs Khalil

Learning in Class 8

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 7:36am


This week we have been writing about the Disney short film, LAVA. This piece of writing blew us away. The child who has written it has made so much progress this year. He wrote...

The bright gold sun is in the distance behind a lonely volcano. He was happy amd then it went dark and the sun set. Then the morning came and his lava turned to stone and sunk into the deep blue water. But then, the other volcano was in the water and listening to his song. It was meant for her. She was ready to meet him. Then her lava grew and grew and there was a grey splash and Uka watched his dreams come true. 

Home Learning 17/05/21

Date: 20th May 2021 @ 7:40pm

Communication and Language

Completed by...




This week we are learning all about Air travel. Can you think of any of the types of transport we may see flying in the sky?


The activity is to ask your child simple questions about learning of the week. This helps the children really focus on boosting their communication and language by feeding back their learning from school.


Questions below:

Can parents either record their child's answer or type up answers on SEESAW

The answers to the questions will be in the brackets below.


1. What have we been learning about this week? (Air travel: plane, helicopter and hot air balloon)


2. Before you go on a plane what important thing do need? (Passport)


3. Why do you think we need a passport?


4.Who drives a plane? (Pilot)






Writing – Name writing



Name writing


Can parents give a big push with name writing at home. If your child can write their first name please focus on their surname.


Can these be practiced on paper, then parents to upload pictures of these.


Home learning 17/05/21

Date: 20th May 2021 @ 7:39pm

Home Learning- Nursery - WB: 17.05.2021

Communication and Language

Completed by...




This week we are learning all about Air travel. Can you think of any of the types of transport we may see flying in the sky?


The activity is to ask your child simple questions about learning of the week. This helps the children really focus on boosting their communication and language by feeding back their learning from school.


Questions below:

Can parents either record their child's answer or type up answers on SEESAW

The answers to the questions will be in the brackets below.


1. What have we been learning about this week? (Air travel: plane, helicopter and hot air balloon)


2. Before you go on a plane what important thing do need? (Passport)


3. Why do you think we need a passport?


4.Who drives a plane? (Pilot)






Writing – Name writing



Name writing


Can parents give a big push with name writing at home. If your child can write their first name please focus on their surname.


Can these be practiced on paper, then parents to upload pictures of these.



Home learning to be completed at any time throughout the week. All activities are set on seesaw, once they are completed we would like you to send it back to us on seesaw. If you have any questions you can send us a message through the inbox. Thanks, Miss Pervez.

Home learning

Date: 20th May 2021 @ 6:54pm

Cricket Skills

Date: 20th May 2021 @ 8:55am

Class 11 have been learning cricket skills in their PE sessions, they have been having lots of fun. 

Summer 1 Topic Learning - Countryside

Date: 18th May 2021 @ 3:09pm

This half term the children have been learning all about the countryside. They have explored Castleshaw using aerial maps and labelled key features. They have invesigated different signs and symbols we might find on maps or in the environment and we have carried out different activities in our local park including observational drawings of plants and flowers and orienteering. They have also started to create their own glossary of countryside words and used dictionaries to find the definitions of the words they selected. 

Below are some pictures of some of the things we have been doing this half term. 

Beautiful Eid cards and celebrations

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 7:02pm

Last week class 3 had so much fun preparing for Eid. We made our very own beautiful Eid cards, taking our time to colour them in neatly and write some lovely words to our friends and families. 

On Friday we had a very special Eid party In the afternoon, where all the children got dressed in their best party clothes, and played lots of party games, whilst enjoying some delicious party food! 

We hope all of our families had a fantastic Eid! 

Y1 Home Learning WB17.05.21

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 8:44am

Please see below the Home Learning Overview for WB 17.05.21. 

Ramadan Competition WINNER

Date: 16th May 2021 @ 6:02pm


Well done to all the children who entered the Ramadan competition - The WINNER was class 7's ZOHA - WELL DONE!

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

0161 260 0621
