Our blogs

Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.6.2021

Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 12:15pm

This week Reception started their new topic of 'Water'.We read the book Commototion in the Ocean which introduced us to lots of poems about sea creatures. We reasearched some of them using iPads and found out lots of amazing facts - did you know that an octopus has three hearts and can grow new arms! We wrote some fantastic descriptions of the creatures too!

In maths we have been learning how to divide by sharing equally. We helped teddy bears to  have a fair picnic and gingerbread men have an equal number of buttons!

Next week we shall be writing riddles about the sea creatures and odd and even numbers.

Learning in Class 8 18.6.21

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 7:05pm

This week has been the start of our topic on the Ancient Maya Civilisation. Wow! What a lot of new learning we have taken in. Teachers and children learning together to find out some amazing facts about these people. We have used the IPads to research in Topic and Literacy as well as at home on Purple Mash. We have learnt about life in general, chocolate, sports and their amazing buildings. We ended the week making a special box to keep all our learning about the Maya in. Capture.PNG                       Capture 2.PNG

RE - Teachers & Leaders

Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 10:06am

This week the children started their final topic in RE all about Teachers and Leaders. They started by thinking about what the role of a teacher or leader is and some of the specific things they would have to do. Then they thought about those at home that would be responsible for them and those in school that would be seen as teachers and leaders in different situations. They recorded their teachers and leaders at home and in school and explained why they felt they were the best option for this role.  

Year 5 Blog

Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 8:23am

This week's star of the week is Abdullah. You have really helped the class with your amazing knowledge and understanding of animals. 



Year 5

Date: 14th Jun 2021 @ 9:48pm

What an amazing week that Year 5 have had.  As part of our curriculum week, we have been working with Chester Zoo to create a new style of orienteering lesson. We used QR codes to find out more information about the different the animals.  The children in both Class 11 and Class 12 have created a new futuristic zoo and a new aquarium for Chester Zoo.  



An exciting Curriculum Week in Year 6

Date: 13th Jun 2021 @ 9:58am

Year 6 had a great week designing a QR hunt around Oldham. We composed emails, created clues, QR codes and adverts to advertise our hard work. We also considered the future of Oldham, we mainly thought about how hospitals, schools and our homes will change because of technology.

Out of this world in Class 4

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 9:53pm

This week was curriculum week, in which we looked at different ways in which technology could make our futures look very different.

Class 4 have worked hard to design futuristic sports goggles and shoes. Some designs had self-tying laces and used a shift wear app to change its design to match the outfit. We have also been busy in the computer room, designing cars that are linked to our moods. To finish off the week, we used junk modelling to make our dream bedrooms of the future. Some of our bedrooms had smart windows that would change the colour of the walls and carpet when we wanted. We also had smart wardrobes that would show us what our outfits would look like without us having to try anything on.

Out of this world Curriculum week

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 4:46pm

This week for Curriculum week we have been focusing on life in the future and how robots will help us.

The children had great fun exploring what robots can do and designing their own robots.

Learning in Class 8 11.6.21

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 4:41pm

Class 8 have had a fantastic Out of This World Curriculum Week. We have thought about which planet we would like to live on and what our house could be like. We had some fantastic ideas and did some great designs. We then made our planet including biomes where we would live. We thought about all the aspects of life including entertainment. This led us to use Garage Band on the IPads to create our music. We have some talented musicians in class!IMG_0112(1).JPG

Curriculum in Nursery 07/06/21

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 4:11pm

Welcome back parents & children!

This week was curriculum week... out of space!

We read the story 'Whatever next' about a bear who shoots of to space. In the writing area drew our own creations of spaceships, attempting to write captions using the phonics mat.

We focused on technology in maths as we played a number game on the computer. We used the computer mouse to give hungry teddy his cakes.

We had so much fun with the beebots as we had to move him all round using directions, making sure he does not touch any of the planets. We worked together as a team!

On the creative table we did some foil printing with glitter making a picture of a moon. 

Can I remind parents to do seesaw learning with their children. 

Curriculum Week in Reception WB 7.6.2021

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:57pm

Reception had a really exciting week looking at what technology could be used in space and space travel.We used search engines to investigate some of the planets and found out some really amazing facts! We constructed Moon Buggies inside and outside and went on an adventure into space! We made Aliens after we had read the book The Way Back Home which told the story of a little boy and an alien getting stuck on the moon and helping each other to mend ther space craft and get home.

We thought about what one special thing we would take on our journey in space - there were some interesting choices including a bouncy castle!

We are learning about...

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:56pm

This week in preschool we have been busy taking part in Curriculum Week. We focused on digital technology in the future and our theme was “Out of this World.”

We made rockets from junk modelling materials and used foil to paint star pictures, adding lots of glitter to the pictures to make them shine!

We read the story Whatever Next by Jill Murphy.  It’s a story about baby bear making a rocket and flying to the moon. All children had the opportunity to try out an interactive counting game and also explore the little BEEBOT robot, pressing the buttons to make it go in different directions.

Year 4's fantastic curriculum week!

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 2:59pm

Phase 3 were inspired by ’Time Travel’ for our ‘Out of this world Curriculum Week.’

This week we designed and created our own futuristic home and thought about what our life was like in the future. We then created short drama sketches where we lived in our future homes.

Wall-E was another one of our inspirations – we briefly watched a clip and discussed why mankind would abandon Earth in the future and how it could be prevented.

The children were also budding artists and created Vincent Van Gogh inspired paintings on different media such as paper and the iPads. How creative they all were!

It has been a great week and we can’t wait to get our own iPad’s to carry on with our exciting digital learning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Khalil

Curriculum week in class 3

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 9:50am

This week class 3 have had so much fun taking part in Curriculum week. We have been exploring technology in the future and thinking about how things might have changed in years to come. 

We had a go at designing and creating out very own planes, as well as making our own out of different materials and testing which would fly the best. 

We also created some amazing futurisitc cars, deisgning them first on the computer in 2D and 3D, as well as drawing and designing the robot that they would turn into. Take a look at some of our designs below. 

Learning - week ending 11th June

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 9:07am

This week in Learning Base 2, the children have looked at 'how technology can improve our lives in the future. 

They watched clips of robots helping in the home and designed their own robot. 

They then used chatty pics to bring their robot to life.

Fantastic learning week beginning - 7th June 2021

Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 4:07pm

The children are enjoying their learning during curriculum week. They are looking at how robots are used to help people in the home. 

The children designed their own robots and described how they would be used in the home. 

Home learning

Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 3:55pm

Please check what learning your child has been doing this week

Please finish at home

Half term Break

Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 9:09am

The children have worked hard this half term and settled into a new routine in the class. Have a lovely break and take lots of photos to upload on Seesaw :)

Class 5's Design Technology Work

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 10:12am

Over the last half term the children have been creating their own piece of artwork using both chalk pastels and wet felting. The children thought about famous landmarks and created their own representations of them with pencil outlines and chalk pastels to colour them in. Later on in the half term they explored with wet felting using a mixture of different fibres, hot water and soap. They had to add hot water and soap to the material, and then rub and press the fibres in different directions to help the different colours blend and create a colourful background. To complete the piece of work the children cut out their landmarks and attached them to their felt background to mount the pictures. Below are some pictures to show the process the children followed and the final pieces they created. 

CLASS BLOG WE- 28.5.21

Date: 6th Jun 2021 @ 5:00pm

This week in History we have been developing our knowledge of the the Viking and Anglo Saxon period of time. During the week the children have developed their knowledge of Alfred the Great and the Viking Gods. The children created factual posters to display their new found knowledge and they also had the opportunity to get creative and draw some of the Vikings most important Gods.

During English, this week,  the children had to learn a poem titled Beowulf. The children analysed the poem, rehearsed it, added poetic techniques and performed it - outside for class 8. Mrs Tomlinson's class enjoyed the performance.- Well done class 9 !


A lovely week in class 3

Date: 1st Jun 2021 @ 11:59am

Last week before we broke up for half term, class 3 had another fantastic week in school.

In maths, the children were learning to tell the time, and got the chance to build and create their own clocks as well as reading and recording time using a range of different maths games. 

As part of our art learning, the children were also exploring print, using a range of different 3D sponges and shapes, to create the houses of parliment, linked to our learning all about Great Britiain. Take a look at some of the pictures below.

Telling the time in Class 4

Date: 29th May 2021 @ 3:56pm

In Cass 4 this week, we have been learning how to tell the time. We started by quickly recapping o’clock and half past. We then learnt how to tell the time using quarter past and quarter to. We had great time using clocks to tell the time and even made a clock of our own.

The Y1 Eco Councillors have also been busy this week with weeding the Y1 planter and planting seeds. The children have been trying for the past few weeks to plant their seeds but the rainy weather had made it difficult. We will be watching eagerly over the coming weeks to see what our flowers will look like.

Time 3.jpg ECO 4.jpg

What we've been learning about this week..space 24/05/2021

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 3:57pm

This week we've been learning about transport that takes us to space. We read the story 'Zoom Rocket Zoom'. 

In the maths area we looked at 2D shapes, circles, square, rectangle and triangles. We used to shapes to make rockets. We also looked at numbered stars and tried to match the quantity with moon rocks.

In creative area we used shapes again to make rockets, we used tin foil to make mini rockets using junk modelling. We used recycled bottle lids and paint to make pictures of planets. 

We sang our '5 little men in flying saucer' and wooshed our children away. 

To end our lovely week we finally let our butterfly free outside, we all lined up and went to our nature garden. 

I hope everyone has a safe, happy holiday. See you all on the the 7th June! :) 

What another lovely week it has been!

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 2:43pm

This week we have been busy learning all about weight and mass in Maths. Where the children have been estimating and weighing objects in the classroom and they have been converting units of measure also.

In English this week, we have focused on the Beowulf poem and then performed the poem to the rest of the class. The children used choral speaking and incorporated actions within their performances.

This term has been fantastic and the children have made lots of progress too! 

Have a lovely half term break. 

See you soon, 

Mrs Khalil


Learning in Class 8 28.5.21

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 2:29pm

We had a super end to our Volcano Topic. Art all afternoon. The children loved being creative and making a layered collage volcano picture. 

Zara said, "It was nice to have this art session on the last day."

Zak said, "We had a super art session today."

Our birthday girl said, "It was a very fun day."


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