Our blogs

Dance therapy

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 12:57pm

The children in the Learning bases have been doing 'Dance therapy' this half term and have had a fantasitc time. 

They introduced themselves by passing a ball around the group.

They listened and responded to sounds.

They moved around like different animals. This week the children moved around like snakes, slithering under the different fabric. 

The children also moved like a baby monkey. They enjoyed being rocked in the material like a mother monkey rocks her baby.

Mr.Padley came into the learning base and got involved with the children and had a turn in the baby monkey bed.

Learning in Class

Date: 10th Nov 2021 @ 5:29pm

Class 8 wrote some poetry this week. The poem was based on The Sound Collector. The children performed their poems with musical instruments. Read Mahad's fantastic poem.


Week ending 12.11.21

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 9:37am

We have had a super week this week !

The children have been exploring Great Britian, Sound, Fractions and the story titled "The Queen's Handbag"

They have also been working very hard to develop their knowledge of farctions of shapes and they have also created a fraction wall.


                                                                      Why don't you ask them about their learning- what can they tell you?

Free Printable Fraction Wall | Creative CenterThe Queen's Handbag

An exciting week in class 3...

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 6:33pm

This week class 3 have had an amazing first week back after their half term break. We have been so impressed with the learning they have produced this week.

In maths we have been re-capping our subtraction learning, using a range of different methods to help us, including dienes, number lines and pictorial representations.

In Science we have been learning all about the seasons and created some beautiful seasons wheels, drawing the different things that happen in each season.

At the beginning of the week we also had an extra special visitor... Florence Nightingale! The children were so excited to meet her and got the chance to ask her lots of interesting questions. This half term we will be learning even more about her, and we can't wait to find out more! 

Meeting Florence Nightingale
Class 3's amazing visitor - Florence Nightingale 


Our Super Science Seasons Wheel


Our subtraction learning 


Reception Weekly Bliog WB 1.11.2021

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 4:40pm

This week Reception were excited to arrive at school to find that their outdoor learning area had been transformed. Now that the building work has taken place we will be looking to raise lots of money over the coming months to buy some fantastic equipment to make our outdoor learning brilliant. The children will be raising the money themselves so listen out for their ideas!

In English we met Fletcher the fox for the first time - we will meet him every time their is a change of season!- this time he had an Autumn adventure. We loved watching him trying to stop his favourite tree from dropping its leaves and did some fantastic descriptions of the tree in Autumn and winter.

In maths we have been doing some great learning about what shows 1 ,2, and 3 inside and outside!

We learned all about the fesival of Divali and made some very glittery divas to light up our classroom - class 1 used them to add some sparkle to their attendance treat on Friday.

Next week we will be meeting Goldilocks and going on an Autumn walk.

learning - 5/11/21

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 7:51am

During Literacy this week the children have enjoyed learning about 'the divers pobble picture'.

They talked to their partner about what they could see.

They used the CIP words to describe the picture.

They they wrote words to describe what they could see in the picture - divers, sea, goggles, wetsuit etc

During Maths this week the children have been looking at length and height.

They have compared objects according to length and height and have used non standard measures to see how long or tall the objects were.


Class 4 blog

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 4:54pm

This week in Class 4 we have learnt about lots of exciting things!

Our story in engish this week was 'Mr Wolf's Pancake'. We had to help Mr Wolf with what ingredients and instructions he would need and then we made our own pancakes! We also wrote instructions using time connectives and imperative verbs. 

In Maths, we focused on subtracting and used different methods to help us. We started using dienes to help us with understanding tens and ones and to do our subtracting. 

We also started learning about Florence Nightingale in Topic. We learnt all abut the important work she did in hospitals.

We had a very exciting week and did lots of super learning!


Using dienes to help with our subtracting.
Using number cubes to help with our subtracting.



Click to see what Class 14 have been learning this week...

Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 10:27am

This week in Class 14 we have been extremely busy with our learning and shown this through our growing mindset that we are continuing to develop.

We have approached this week by introducing metacognition into our learning and adapted a new principle where we are ‘thinking about our thinking’ and combating a fixed mindset. With this in mind, in maths we developed our reasoning skills and worked with our partners to tackle some difficult multiplication problems. The children did find these difficult at first but overcame their struggles once they evaluated their learning and thought about their thinking with their partners. Well done Class 14!

In English, we are focusing on ‘The Diary of Anne Frank.’ The children are writing a persuasive letter, where they are persuading the Franks to go into a secret location – the annex, for their safety. The children have produced some fantastic letters and focused heavily on formal language, emotive language and persuasion.

Well done Class 14 for your hard work and growing mindset.

Kind regards,

Mrs Khalil

Learning in Class 8 2.11.21

Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 11:47pm

Class 8 took part in a WOW starter this week to introduce the new topic The Stone Age. The children researched facts about the different time periods in the Stone Age, carved out tools, created our own cave paintings and became cavemen and women! We had a fantastic, fun time!

       IMG_0269.jpg        IMG_0271.jpg   IMG_0281.jpg    IMG_0282.jpg

Week ending 5.11.21

Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 1:58pm

Please enjoy taking a look at our class page in the e-book, from Citizenship week.


Citizenship Week in class 9

Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 10:49am

 This week, during Citizenship Week, the children learned that being a Citizen means that a person belongs to a particular country, and they have  rights, duties and privileges of being a citizen.

Citizenship education aims to develop the capacity of children to participate in a fair and inclusive society throughout their lifetime. It also teaches them the importance of independence of thought and to recognise the power of reflection and debate.

Citizenship education enables young people to explore personal and social values, as well as their peers’, in light of concepts such as diversity, equality, justice and democracy.


Citizenship week in class 3

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 8:20am

This week in class 3 we have been learning all about citizenship. The children have had the opportunity throughout the week to think about what makes  good citizen as well as thinking about what we as 'Greenhill Citizen's' have the right to.

The children created a beautiful whole class drawing of our rights as a citizen in school, as well embracing our individuality and differences, creating our very own all about me posters and sharing them withour friends.

We were so proud of how hard the children have been working this week and we hope they have a fantastic half term holiday! 

all about me poster.jpg
One of our beautiful 'All about me' posters


The children acting out 'Sharing'
The Children acting out sharing as a 'Good citizen.' 


Greenhill citizen.PNG
Our ideas on what makes a good 'Greenhill Citizen' 


Citizenship learning - wk end - 21/10/21

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 6:43pm

The children in the Learning Base have had a fantastic week learning all about Citizenship. The children started by watching a news report about ;Pollution'. They discussed how pollution, especially plastic pollution affects the mammals that live in the sea. 

They produced a 'Stop polluting our sea' poster. 

They read the book 'We are all born free', which talks about the rights of all people. 

The children look at the right to have friends and produced a lovely art piece. They made a hand print with their friend and drew what they do together on a heart. 

They wrote a letter to Mr.Hughes thanking him for the books that he provided every child at Greenhill with. 

The children in the learning bases are putting all their fantastic learning on display. We will add a photo of the learning in the gallery for you to see. 

This week we have been learning about in Nursery 18/10/21

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 4:17pm

This week was curriculum week in School, in Nursery we focused on how we can be a Greenhill Citizen. 

On Monday we talked about our classroom rules and how important it is to follow them. 

On Tuesday we talked about about how helpful shop keepers are with in the community. The children thought of so many lovely thank you comments they could next say when they're shopping about with their parents. 

On Wednesday looked at pictures from the story 'We are Free'. We had a group discussion about respecting the differences in School. 

In the writing are we drew self portraits using a mirror, focusing on our features. We also decorated Greenhill badges using different coloured patterns. 

Citizenship in Year 5.

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 4:08pm

This week, Year 5 have been learning about what makes a good citizen. They have also looked at how we can be digital citizens when using various devices and communicating online. The children researched good citizens in our country and defined what makes them a good citizen. We also discussed how our school promotes good citizenship and we created posters and art work to represent this.

Citizenship Week - Year 6

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 2:57pm

What an amazing curriculum week we have had this week!

The children learned all about basic human rights and how they are upheld through a picture book called 'We are all born free.' We understood the importance of citizenship and created a range of learning outcomes, such as Greenhill badges, personal coat of arms and our very own mythical creature with its own set of values.

Have a lovely and safe half term.

Mrs Khalil



We stay healthy by...

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 2:20pm

Learning in Class 8 20.10.21

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 1:02pm

This week we have learning about our responsibility as a citizen of the world. We used the collaboration feature of 2Connect on Purple Mash to work with our table and mind map what we feel are important qualities as a good citizen.

Look at our AMAZING collaborative learning.


Reception Weekly Blog WB 11.10.2021

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 12:26pm

This week Reception had a strange visitor into their singing practice. The Highway Rat barged in and tried to stael all our pastries and puddings. We managed to pursuade him that at Greenhill we only have healthy snacks and that at our school we share not steal ! 

We have spent the week trying to help the Highway Rat become a good Greenhill citizen by teaching him to be caring and kind. We have shown him how to make bird feeders, thank you cards and biscuits to share.

We have also designed Greenhill citizen badges and made cookies to give to people who help us in school.

Week ending 21.10.21

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 9:45am

This week has been Curriculum Week. Our theme for the week has been, how to be a good citizen.

The children have learnt a lot about what it means to be a good citizen and they have explored what it means to them now and in the future.

They now understand that Citizenship involves people working together to make positive differences to the society in which they live – locally, nationally and globally. ... And that in many countries – where democratic society and its institutions are facing threats – citizenship education is becoming increasingly important.

community1 (1).jpg

Reception Weekly Blog WB 11.10.2021

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:50pm

This week we have been doing lots of great learning about The Runaway Chapatti which is a traditional Indian tale about a little girl who makes a chapatti which escapes and runs away. He ends up in a tiger's tummy but meets lots of characters along the way!We finished off the week by making chapattis and egg curry with Mrs Ali - it was delicious!

In Maths we have been making repeating patterns using different shapes sizes and colours. We have made patterns inside and outside and challenged our friends to carry them on. 

We have been singing lots of songs about Autumn and Harvest - ask your child to sing about the Big Red Combine Harvester and I'm sure you will enjoy listening to them!

Next week we will be doing some exciting learning about The Highway Rat in our Curriculum Week.

What an amazing week we have had

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 9:44am

This week we have been doing some very exciting learning. Firstly we kicked off our week with a celebratory Bollywood dance class to celebrate all the amazing learning we have done about India. We developed our maths skills by learning how to subtract larger numbers using our place value understanding and we completed our Indian portraits in the style of Gogi Saroj Pal. 


Christmas came early

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 10:28pm

The children in class have loved exploring their new equipment. They are developing their gross motor skills on the climbing frame and stepping stones.

On the seesaw and spinning top, they are enjoying the sensation of spinning. They also make great seats ?

Learning - 8.10.21

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 7:04pm

The children have done fantastic learning about the 'Arctic'. They have looked at the pobble pictures and spoke about what they could see. They have used CIP words to describe the pictures. They then read different sentences to desribe the pictures. 

The children have shared books, read sentences and wrote mini books.

Harmonica Found!

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 3:57pm

Over the last two weeks the children have been learning all about 'The Harmonica' written by Tony Johnston. 

We had a strange letter appear in our classroom claiming that a harmonica has gone missing - which was a pivotal instrument for the main character (Henry) of the story. This was an engaging day for the children as they had to write a letter to Henry explaining that they had no idea where the Harmonica was and its whereabouts. 

However once it was found, this was the children’s reaction. Harmonica Found.jpg

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
