Our blogs

What a great week of learning

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 2:55pm


This week Year 6 have been learning all about refugees; we researched what a refugee is, how someone becomes one and how we can help them. The children showed great interest in this and produced a fantastic piece of writing to go alongside this. 

We are hoping to carry out a fundraiser to support a local refugee charity known as Unity, who work alongside the Red Cross. Watch this space and we look forward to your continued support with such a worthy cause.

For Maths we worked collaboratively and used a range of Kagan techniques. The pupils became teachers and coached each other to successfully find the correct answer.

Once again what wonderful week of learning.

Have a safe and great weekend,

Mrs Khalil


A taste of France in Y5

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 10:45am

In Y5, we have started our geography topic on ‘France’. For our Stunning Start, we spent the afternoon experiencing the taste of some aspects of French life.

We discussed the types of foods that French people like to eat and tasted a few. We also had a go at making some crepes with  different fillings.

We have been reading the story ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and discussed the beautiful stain glass windows of the Notre Dame Cathedral. We created our own stain glass windows designs which were inspired by the cathedral windows.

We then finished off the afternoon by learning a French song with Mr Lee. We had a great afternoon.


The Star of the Week is.... Faatima B

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 7:33am

Class 9 – Faatima B for being confident when speaking in front of the class.

Class 4's learning this week..

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 5:07pm

Class 4 have done lots of fun learning this week!

In Literacy, we have been looking at the story 'Handa's surprise' which links to our topic Africa! We have been focusing on using time connectives and adjectives in our writing. We also did some drama acting as Handa and the animals which we really enjoyed!

We have started our new Topic Africa and have been using atlases to look at maps. We looked at the different countries and found where they are in the world.

We have learnt lots of interesting facts about Africa!




Year 5 learning blog wk ending 14.1.22

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 12:38pm

Over the last few music sessions, the children studied a famous figure – Joseph Bologne. This raised awareness around the trouble black people faced as Musicians. The children carried out research to identify his challenges and the important aspects of his life, which have shaped society today. The children worked in groups to plan lyrics and create music using various instruments to reflect Joseph’s life.

Learning in Class 8 12.1.22

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 11:48pm

Today Class 8 were real scientists. They carried out an investigation to find out which rock would be the best to build a house. The children made a prediction, gathered equipment and ensured all tests were fair. They tested which rocks were waterproof and which were the hardest wearing. The results showed slate and granite were the best rocks to build with. Great investigating Class 8! 


Week Ending 14.1.22

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 8:21am

This week we have been writing character descriptions in English, Adding money in Maths and learning all about living and non living things in Science.

The children have been learning to recall their 6 times tables and are making amazing progress with it.

Please support your child to develop the knowledge and recall so that they are ready for the Multiplication test in June.

6 Times Table | Six Times Table | DK Find Out

First week back in class 3 ...

Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 4:03pm

Class 3 have had a fantastic first week back in school, and we have been so proud of them and how enthusiastic they have been coming back into school and putting in 100% effort into all of their learning!

This week in maths we have been looking at addition, using dienes to help us when adding two digit and one digit numbers. The children have worked really hard all week using a range of different methods. 

Aleeza using her dienes to help her with her addition number sentences.
Hussain using dienes and his addition mat. 

In Golden time on Friday lots of children enjoyed taking part in a disney dance workout and loved showing off their dance moves to their friends.

Dance workout on a Friday in Class 3 


We have had such a brilliant week back n class 3 , and we can't wait for another fantastic term. 

Reception Weekly Blog WB 4.1.2022

Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 1:02pm

This week Reception enjoyed sharing with each other all the exciting things they had done over the holidays - they seem to have had a fantastic time!

In English we met Percy the Park Keeper and listened to what happened to him in One Snowy Night. We all thought that Percy was very kind to let all the animals come and sleep in his little hut! We wrote lots of fantastic sentences to describe his personality.

In Maths we have been doing lots of great learning about set of up to 5 - even sets of zero- what they look like, which ones are bigger and which ones are equal.

Our topic learning was all about Winter, so we were delighted when it snowed on Friday. We have made collaged snowflakes and snowmen and talked about what it is like in Winter.

Learning in Class 8 6.1.22

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 4:49pm

This week we have started our topic on Ancient Egypt. We have learnt where in the world Egypt is and drawn the River Nile and major cities onto a map. Our second lesson was super exciting! We were archaeologists! We searched the sand for hidden Egyptian treasures being very careful not to damage them - just like real a archaeologist. We then hypothesised about why the artefact was a treasure before finding out facts about them. We are all so excited for a term of learning about Ancient Egypt.

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Science in Y5

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 2:31pm

In Year 5 this week, we have started our science topic ‘States of Matter’ which builds on the learning the children did in Year 4. It was great to see how much the children had remembered about solids, liquids and gases.

We carried out an experiment to test whether or not different substances were soluble or insoluble. Many of the children were surprised that some of the predictions they made were actually wrong.

We also explored a range of new vocabulary which we will be using throughout the term.


Learning about the world we live in

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 12:59pm

The children in Learning Base 2 have been introduced to their new topic for this term. 

They are looking at the world that we live in. They will be concentrating on 'space' and talking about what this means. 

This week they have looked at 'the map pobble picture' which is a map version of our globe. 

They have looked at what the planet earth looks like from space. 

They have watched videos of the satelite space station which orbits our planet and have talked about what 'the astronauts' can see from space.  

They have also listened to a story told by an astronaut. It was read from the international space station. 

Fun with paint

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 12:57pm

Welcome back! 

Hope you all had a lovely break, the children have settled back in well and ready to learn.

This term we will be looking at Space. 

The children had great fun with paint and squirty bottles creating galaxy pictures. It was such messy fun!


Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 3:05pm

On our first day back we shared what we already knew about plants from our learning in Year 1...



We then discussed everything we wanted to learn about Plants...


We then explored different types of plants as part of our new Science learning. We enjoyed learning lots of new names for plants and did some research using our iPads. 


Week ending- 7.1.22

Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 1:08pm

This week we have had a positive start to our first week back. In Maths we have been mastering symmetry and in English we have been learning all about Boudica- the Icini Queen.

Imagined portrait of Boudicca


Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 1:38pm

We loved being performers in our Greenhill Christmas Cracker this week. Enjoy our performance by clicking the below picture



Year 6 wish you all a safe and lovely half term break...

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:26pm

Year 6 have been incredibly busy this week, with a range of christmas learning and even a special visit from Santa! The children were extremely excited and grateful with the presents given.

For our English this week, we focused on Poetry and we  performed 'Benjamin Zephania's Christmas Turkey' as a whole class. This was a throughly enjoyable experience. 

The children have had a fanatastic week and can't wait to begin thier half term.
Please be safe, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mrs Khalil & Mr Bottomley

It's Christmas!

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 11:11am

The children have really enjoyed making Christmas crafts and we were even luck to have a visit from Father Christmas!

Father Christmas visit to the Learning Base

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 11:41am

The children have had a wonderful visit from father Christmas.

He left the reindeers and the sleigh on the roof of the school and came to visit Learning Base 2 children. 

They all received a present off him and were all very happy.



Learning in Class 8 13.12.21

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 9:31pm

This week in Class 8 the children have designed their pneumatic, moving mammoth, then created it and finally evaluated what went well and what they would do next time. The children loved seeing their creation come to life by using the pneumatics which opened and closed the mammoths mouth. They produced fantastic designs and all the outcomes were successful. The childrens' written work was beautiful and detailed. Well done Class 8! We are super proud of you.


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What we've been upto on our final week in Nursery.

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 4:27pm

We've had a super, festive week in Nursery. Our story of the week was the Christmas Story. On Tuesday we had a lovely party, where the children played musical statues, pass the parcel and musical bumps. On Wednesday the children perfomed the Nativity with reception, which they were all fanastic at. To finish the week off we had a very special visit from Father Christmas who left the children a lovely present.

Week Ending 17th Decemeber 2021

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 11:39am

It has been a wonderful half term and the children have produced some fantastic work.

Last week, we raised over £200 with our Kicks n Kakes afternoon and we would like to thank everybody who supported us. 

We had a visit from Santa this week and the children asked lots of interesting questions.

We hope everyone has a super well deserved break.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.thumbnail_Image (1).jpg

Week ending- 17.12.21

Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 9:11am

This week is Christmas week. The children  have been making hats, mats and table decorations.

We have also been completing our Design Technology by making a buzzer games. Ask you child all about it.

Did their plan work? Would they do anything different?

How To Make Buzzer Game For Kids - Challenge Yourself - YouTube

Learning in Class 8 10.12.21

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 4:13pm

Today Year 3 did their Christmas Cracker performance of the song 'O Little Town of Bethlehem'. They were AMAZING. There were so many words for them to learn and the song was completely new to them two weeks ago. We were blown away by their performance. SUPER STARS. AA.jpeg

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