Our blogs


Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 6:07pm

This week we have been looking at the artist, Vincent Van Gogh. We have created our own scrap books to explore the artists work and research Van Gogh. We loved using our KeyNote skills to create a fact sheet about him using our own digital creativity.




Our African Workshop in Year 1

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 5:10pm

This week Year 1 took part in an exciting African workshop as part of their Geography learning all about Africa! The children had so much fun taking part in a range of different activites.

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First the children got dressed up as lots of different African Animals and had lots of fun pretending to be each animal using a range of different movements and sounds.

IMG_1024.jpg Then the children took part in an exciting African dance, dancing to the beat of the African drums.


AfIMG_1167.jpgAfter all that dancing the children were very tired, so we sat down and tried lots of delciious African fruits, that we had already learnt about when reading the story Handa's surprise! 

All about Tutankhamen

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 10:01am


Class 7 have worked hard this week when creating their two-page fact file. They have used their topic knowledge, literacy and creative skills to create some amazing work!

Learning in Class 8 3.2.22

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 3:59pm

Class 8 have been earning certificates for their swimming this week. These children swam 25m either on their front or on their back. That's the full  length of Oldham Pool!!!

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Sounds of the river in Y5

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 3:07pm

This week in Year 5, we have been learning about the different parts of the river. We have learnt that the upper, middle and lower course are very different. The water travels a lot faster in the upper course and is much slower in the lower course. The fast-moving water crashes against rocks and falls down waterfalls creating a great deal of sound. 

Y5 have been using musical instruments to create a sound scape of the various parts of the river. It was very loud in the upper course and much quieter and calmer in the lower course by the sea. The sound scape was a pleasure to listen to. Well done Year 5. 


Date: 31st Jan 2022 @ 2:15pm

Class 6 have some amazing ROCKSTARS! They have proven that practise makes perfect! They love challenging themselves and battling against one another. BC55301A-F95D-4FE8-8A37-3F5921373777.jpeg

Soaring into space

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 4:04pm

The children have been loving our new topic! This week they have been creating rockets and exploring planets.


Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 10:37am

Class 6 enjoyed their third book in the Mr and Mrs Grinling series; The Lighthouse keepers Rescue. We read the story as a class and brought it to life through a story whoosh. We used our drama skills and knowledge of our main protagonists to fully understand the story.


Dance therapy - wk end - 4/2/22

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 7:43am

The children in Learning Base 2 had their final 'Dance Therapy' lesson on Friday and had a great lesson. 

They continued to imagine being different animals and moved around the classroom like them. 

They worked together to form different movement frames.

They had a fantasitc lesson and they would like to say thank you to Toni and Katie for working with them. 

Keeping fit in Year 5

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 2:43pm

This week in Year 5, the children have been getting creative in their PE lessons. We have had a great time working in small groups and using our imaginations to come up with a sequence of moves, postures and poses that were inspired by the theme music for ‘Mission Impossible’ We imagined that we were a team of experts on a mission to retrieve something that was taken from us. The teachers were very impressed at how agile some of the children were and their performances were a pleasure to watch.

As always, Y5 are also keen to kick a ball around. We have once again been developing and refining our football skills on the pitch with Gary. Keep it up Year 5!

Reception Weekly Blog- WB 24.01.22

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:23am

In Reception this week the children have continued their learning into different environments by looking at the non-fiction text 'Homes around the World'. The book has lots of different types of houses including igloos, yurts, river houses and houses on stilts. The children enjoyed using the book 'You Choose' to find their perfect house and then labelled it using their phonic knowledge. 

During continuous provision the children enjoyed using the workshop area to make the different houses from the book. Some of the children found some sugar cubes and decided to use them to make igloos, they enjoyed balancing them on top of each other. In the classroom we transformed our role play areas into travel agents and the children enjoyed role playing going on a holiday. We had lots of discussions about the different climates and looked at what we would need to pack in our suitcases if we went to a warm country or a cold country. 

Class 8's Maths learning on Measurement

Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 8:37pm

Class 8 have started a 2 week block of learning on measurement using mm, cm and metres. They have used a variety of equipment to measure items in the classroom and record their findings. They worked cooperatively to solve problems on equivalent lengths.

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Space learning - wk end - 30/1/22

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 1:38pm

The children in LB2 are having a fabulous time learning all about space. 

They have watched rockets blasting off into space and have made lego versions of the launch pad structures that hold the rockets. 

They have watched and talked about the satellites in space which allow the people on earth to look at our planet in great detail. 

They watched the satellites completing an orbit around earth and looked at all the pictures generated. 

The children have created their own work on the planets within our solar system as well as re-producing the galaxies in space. 


The children are very excited to learn more about our special planet and look at ways of how we can protect it. 


Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 12:35pm

This week in Maths Year 3 are learning all about measuring. Today we investigated different measuring equipment. The children really enjoyed using the measuring equipment to measure the different objects in the classroom.


Reception Weekly Blog WB 17.1.2022

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 4:49pm

This week Reception have been doing some fantastic learning about the Arctic. They have discovered lots of animals that can live in very cold places and thought about what it would be like to live there. They even made their own igloos out of sugar cubes!

All our English learning this week has been linked to the Arctic through a wonderful book called A Flower in the Snow. In the book a little girl called Luna becomes best friends with a polar bear who helps her to  get her smile back by finding her a flower. We have loved describing  the characters and re-telling the story from such a lovely book.

In Maths this weeek we have been learing about capacity and measurement. We ended the week by measuring the ingredients to make our own play dough - it was great fun.

Next week we will be learning about homes in different parts of the world.

Learning in Class 8

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 4:15pm

Class 8 have been writing setting descriptions from The Egyptian Cinderella. I love the description in the one below and am really impressed with the rhythm and rhyme in it.


Life Cycles Reports.

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 3:43pm

In Year 5 this week, we have been writing chronological reports on the life cycles of a frog and a butterfly. We started the week by researching and making notes on information about frog and butterfly lifecycles. We then drafted and edited our reports.

For our final Big Writes we created our own information pages which included all the features of a chronological report. They look fantastic! Well done Year 5.

All about soils

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 9:18am

This week in science we have been learning all about the different types of soils. We investigated the different soils and then completed a quiz on purple mash. The children enjoyed using their senses to investigate the soils.

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What Class 6 have been busy doing this week

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 9:17pm

Class 6 have had a very busy week. We have been bringing our amazing characters to life through exploring 6 Pirate tests to help Mr and Mrs Grinling solve the pirate challenges. We have also explored multiplication and shown our amazing repeated addition, array and TT Rockstar skills. Then... to top our amazing week off our plant experiement has begun to show us some results. We are excited to see what next week will bring for our plants. D1FE7ABE-C78E-463E-93E8-5F73407F1829.jpeg

Click to see what Year 6 have been learning this week....

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 6:24pm

This half term Year 6 have been learning all about refugees; we researched what a refugee is, how someone becomes one and how we can help them. The children showed great interest in this and produced a fantastic piece of writing to go alongside this. The children had written a persuasive piece of writing where they were trying to convince their audience to allow refugees to cross certain borders for their safety, health and well-being. it was great to see such fantastic ideas and sheer empathy towards those who are struggling - Well done Year 6!

We are hoping to carry out a fundraiser to support a local refugee charity known as Unity, who work alongside the Red Cross. Watch this space and we look forward to your continued support with such a worthy cause.

For Maths we worked collaboratively and used a range of co-operative learning techniques to solve questions relating to negative numbers. 

In our science topic we are exoploring fossils, try to visit a library or museum to learn some more interesting facts. 

Have a safe and great weekend,
Mrs Khalil

School of ROCK!

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 5:24pm

This week we have started our new computing topic using the Purple Mash software... 2Sequence. We learnt how to create our own songs by adding and removing different instruments to our rhythm boards. We also learnt about tempo and pitch to help make our songs even more creative! 9BEEE886-13CC-48A7-A34A-3ABFEC00E02F.jpeg

Making Masai masks in Class 3

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 3:51pm

This week class 3 have been learning all about the Masai tribe as part of their topic learning all about Africa. The children were so excited to make their own African masks, using paint and oil pastels, making sure they used lots of bright colours, including red - The favourite colour of the Masai tribe! Take a look at some of our amazing creations below! 

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After that the children painted different patterns on their mask using paint. 
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Some of our fiinished designs. 


All about rocks

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 3:46pm

This week in science the children have been investigating different types of rocks. They wanted to see which rocks would be best to build a house. They had to find out if the rock was permeable, could float and see if it would wear well in all weathers. They had so much fun working as a team to investigate!IMG_1009.jpg    IMG_1011.jpg    IMG_1013.jpg

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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

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