Nursery Weekly Blog WB 3/10/2022
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 1:56pm
This week in Nursery we have been continuing our learning about 'All About Me!'. Our book for this week's learning was 5 Minutes Peace and we found out lots about the Large family and their lives. We played memory games about the things Mrs Large took upstairs and made her favourite food, marmalade on toast - we got to eat it as well.
We have also been doing lots of colour mixing - using our hands to print with primary colours them mixing them together to see what colour we produce.
Some children have also been sharing their family photos with us. It has been lovely to hear them confidently telling us all about the people in their family. We will be carrying on this learning next week if any other families would like to give or send us a photo.
Next week we will be going on a bear hunt with lots of exciting learning inside and out!