Our blogs

Learning in Class 8

Date: 29th Mar 2022 @ 10:36pm

In English we have been reading the book Sir Charlie Stinky Socks, The Mummy's Gold, which links well with our topic on Ancient Egyptians. The children have loved making a setting box based on the story setting and describing it using adjectives, similes and metaphors. The children are retelling the story this week but are adding their own ideas for an alternative retell. They will make their own journal like the one in the story and write their own adventure.


Newspaper Reports in Y5

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 10:36am

This week in Year 5, we have been writing newspaper reports about the disruption that storm Dudley and storm Eunice has caused. The children were fantastic reporters and interviewed a range of witnesses such as a local primary teacher (Mr Bottomley) who had a trampoline roll into his driveway, a children from Glodwick who witnessed the broken minaret on the Greengate Mosque and a concerned resident (Miss Zamir’s Brother) who had tiles blown off his garage roof.

We have spent two weeks on developing our report writing skills, building a bank formal language, using direct and indirect speech and learning about rhetorical questions. The reports were a pleasure to read.

Well done Year 5!

Week ending 1.4.22

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 1:07pm

This week, in class 14, we have completed our writing journey all about Biographies. The children have researched famous refugees and have chosen a specific person to write about. They have created a class anthology of Biographies.

In Maths, we have been revising all area of Maths and have been ensuring that we know our times tables- on TT Rock Stars.


Ask you child, how many are they getting correct, out of 25?


Reception Weekly Blog WB 21/3/2022

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 12:06pm

This week in Reception we have continued our learning on our topic Amazing Animals. This week we visited the jungle by reading and enjoying the Julia Donaldson book Monkey Puzzle. We did some fantastic drama where we made our bodies into the different animals and created factfiles which gave clues about the different animals before revealing what they were!

We have learned about different habitats and matched animals to where they live. We have also painted animals and learned to make sensible colour choices when we create pieces of art.

In Maths we have been consolidating this term's learning by playing games with bean bags and hopscotch to check that our knowledge of numbers up to ten is secure.

Next week we will be having a special furry stripey visitor in Reception!

LB2 learning - week ending - 25.3.22

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 3:54pm

The children have continued with their maths learning all about 'Weight'.

They recapped the previous weeks learning, holding and feeling the weight of different objects and saying which was the heaviest and which the lightest. 

They then weighed the objects on the balance scales saying which was the heaviest and which was the lightest.

Learning in Class 8

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 5:03pm

At swimming this week the children learnt Reach and Rescue skills. They learnt about the dangers of swimming in open water and jumping in cold water. They took turns to be a casualty, to save someone and to help someone. They shouted 'Don't panic - I will save you - catch this and kick your legs.' They were fantastic and took it serioulsy whilst enjoying the challenge. Hopefully they will never need to use these skills but if they should I am confident they could save a life.


Class 4 blog

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 5:02pm

This week we have been writing some fantastic setting descriptions about Toby and the great fire of London, using expanded noun phrases and conjunctions! We have also been editing our learning and making it even better! The great fire of London links to our topic learning as we have been learning all about it.

In Maths, we started looking at fractions focusing on finding halves and quarters with shapes and different amounts.

In ICT, we have been using beebots which we have loved. We have been learning how to make them move in different directions and this week we wrote a program which we will be using next week!



Week ending . 25.3.22

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 2:45pm

This week we have been learning all about

 biographies in English and composing rock music during our Music lesson.

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PSHE in Y5

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 5:25pm

In Year 5 we have been learning about the dangers of drugs and this week we have been learning the affects that alcohol has on our bodies. The children began with developing their understanding of acohol. In discussion, we looked at the short long term and long term effects alcohol has on our bodies. It was great to see that the children took the discussions very seriously and were very mature with their responses. Well done Year 5.

Wendel and

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 2:35pm

We have been extremely creative in our English lessons this week. We have been mini authors and have all written our own stories for Wendel to read for his bed time story. 

We used our creativity as we invented our own character robot for Wendel last week and then have thought about the adventure they would go on together. We then used our imaginations and drafted our own stories, edited them and chose how to present our polished piece. Some of us used our iPad skills and used different apps like KeyNote, Pages or Notes and some of us chose to create our own zig zag books or story sheets. 

The teachers as so proud of all the amazing ideas your children have thought about this week! Well Done Class 6! 55C833FD-B977-40CC-8356-C2AF2A0AA623.jpeg

Refugee Web Pages

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 12:25pm

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 6 have been looking at creating an information web page all about refugees. We looked at the features of a non-chronological report as well as carrying out our own research on quality web pages.  You will be able to look at our work on our class pages.


Thank You,


Class 13 and Class 14.

week ending 18.3.22

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 7:17am

This week we have been writing and researching information about Rainforests and orangutans.

The children had to share their information with each other and write their facts using extended sentences.


In Maths we have beeing working on Multiplication and in Science we have been learning all about the digestive system.



Learning - week ending 18th March 2022

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 7:06pm

The children in Learning Base 2 have been learning about weight this week. 

The children held 2 different objects and to compare the weights saying which was the heaviest and which was the lightest. 

The children compared lots of different objects. They then used balance scales to check if they were right. 

They then weighed the different objects by placing on one side of the scales and placing cubes on the other side to balance it. 

They counted how much each object weighed. 

What we've been learning about..

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 4:25pm

This week in Nursery we read the story 'Biscuit Bear". We had a teddy bear picnic and shared our food. In the creative area we painted the bear, made a puppet and even decorated the bear.

On the playdough table we made biscuit bear using eyes and buttons.

We focused on melting also by melting chocolate and decorating biscuits, yummy!

Learning in Class 8 17.3.22

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 1:01pm

This week Class 8 have been making links with their learning in Topic-Ancient Egyptians and English. They had to mummify a tomato just like the ancient Egyptians did. The children enjoyed scooping out the inside of their tomato and adding natron to mummify it. It was good fun!

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Reading in LB2

Date: 13th Mar 2022 @ 3:24pm

The children have had an amazing 'Reading' week in Learning Base 2.

The children have fund raised money to purchase new reading books.

They have enjoyed reading the new books.


They want to raise more money to be able to buy more reading materials. 

Learning in Class 8 11.3.22

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 4:50pm

Class 8 have been learning the Egyptian Myth about Set, the evil one. We have been entertained by Set's evil ways and wrote fantastic descriptions of him last week. This week we wrote the myth ourselves. We placed our myths in a casket, just like the one Set tricked his brother into getting in. We were so proud of how our writing looked and these two children did their best ever Big Writes. 


This week in class 3 ...

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 3:57pm

This week class 3 have had so much fun with their learning. We have carried on looking at our story 'The Great Dragon Bake Off' and have been writing our very own re-tells.

6F5886C1-CC6E-4882-AEF2-9A72A1429036.jpegLast week we used our drama skills to act out different parts of the story.


In maths we have carried on looking at division. The children had so much fun using a range of practical and pictorial resources to help us with out learning.



In ICT we have been using the Bee-Bot, practicing using positional language to help move the Bee-Bots around the room.



Reception Weekly Blog WB 7/3/2022

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 12:25pm

This week in Reception we have done some fantastic learning linked to our topic of Amazing Animals. In English we followed the adventures of a brave little chicken called Hattie Peck who went all over the world looking for abandoned eggs. We created story maps and used drama to recreated the places on her journey.

In Maths we have been continuing our learning about 9 and 10. This week we have been looking at numbers that are more and fewer and we have thought about what two numbers we add together to make 10.

In our afternoon learning we have been learning about the inspirational Sir David Attenborough. We have learned about his life and his work as a conservationist and naturalist. The children have become Recycling Rangers to help to look after our planet!

Next week we will be learning some more about animals that come from eggs.

The Journey of life in Class 12

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 4:57pm

In RE, Year 5 have been exploring the journey of life. We discussed how each of us has unique lifestyles and how we all have different experiences and because of this our journeys are different.

We looked at artist’s interpretation of life journeys and how they chose to represent them. We discussed a range of paintings and tried to interpret what they were trying to say about life.

Later, we created our own pieces of art work to show what we thought the journey of life is. The final art pieces were impressive and the children had really put a lot of thought into them. Well done!

The Journey of Life in Class 11

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 4:45pm

In RE, Year 5 have been exploring the journey of life. We discussed how each of us has unique lifestyles and how we all have different experiences and because of this our journeys are different.

We looked at artist’s interpretation of life journeys and how they chose to represent them. We discussed a range of paintings and tried to interpret what they were trying to say about life.

Later, we created our own pieces of art work to show what we thought the journey of life is. The final art pieces were impressive and the children had really put a lot of thought into them. Well done!

Week ending 11.3.22

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 3:44pm

This week we are continuing to exploring the story, titled LEAF. The children will be writing a retell of the story and will be planning out how they want to write it by choosing a planning proforma wich best suits their style.

In Maths, we are studying Geometry and the children will be learning all about shape and different types of line.

Click on the link for some games to support your knowledge. https://uk.splashlearn.com/geometry-games-for-year-4




Courtroom Drama in Year 5

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 4:32pm

In Year 5, we have been reading “The Wind in the Willows.” We began the week with courtroom drama where we performed the scene of when Toad was convicted for his crimes and sent to prison for 20 years.  The children managed to stay in character very well and were fantastic at reading their speeches from the play scripts. Their final performances were amazing and highly comical.  


Later in the week, we wrote Toad’s dairy entry where he explains his version of events. Year 5 did a great job with using emotive language and fronted adverbials. 

Reception Weekly Blog WB 28.2.2022

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 4:21pm

This week in Reception we started our new Topic learning all about Amazing Animals! We started our topic using the book Farmyard Hullaballoo and did some fantastic learning including creating a soundscape of a farmyard in the classroom - it was VERY noisy. We also learned all about baby farm animals and thought about how farms are different around the world.

In Maths we have been developing a deeper understanding of the numbers 9 and 10 using ten frames and playing games to help us and make our learning fun.

We ended the week with a fantastic fun day to celebrate World Book Day. There were some fantastic costumes including The Highway Rat and Rapunzel as well as a vast array of superheroes and princesses. 

Next week we will be going on a journey with a little hen called Hattie Peck as she tries to find herself an egg.

Class 14 had an amazing WBD afternoon!

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 3:00pm

We loved celebrating WBD this afternoon.

The children came into school dressed as their favourite character from a story andlooked amazing! They then took part in a 20 minute readathon and read a staggering 720 pages, which is equivalent to 125,280 words - How fantastic they are!

They then ‘Got Caught Reading’ and read their WBD book in various locations around school.

What a lovely end to the week!

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