w/c 08.01.24 Star of the week
Star of the Week is Adam
A guide to joining the School Spider Parents app
Star of the Week- week beginning 15.1.24
w/c 15.12.23 Star of the week
Star of the Week is Maryam
Star of the Week- week beginning 11.12.23
w/c 04.12.23 Star of the week
Star of the Week- week beginning 04.12.23
Star of the Week is Alishba
Star of the Week WB. 4.12.23
Star of the Week
Star of the week
w/c 20.11.23 Star of the week
Star Of The Week
Star of the Week- week beginning 27.11.23
Star of the Week- week beginning 20.11.23
Star of the week is Haniya
w/c 13.11.23 Star of the week
Star of the Week- week beginning 13.11.23
Star of the Week WB 13.11.23
w/c 06.11.23 Star of the week
Star of the Week is Muskaan
Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR
Mrs C Glynn - Principal
0161 260 0621
Harmony Trust
Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ
CEO: Antony Hughes
Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully
0161 260 0482 (ext 15)