Star of the Week- week beginning 15.03.24
This week in reception...
Star of the week is Adam
w/c 04.03.24 Star of the week!
Star of the Week
Star of the Week- week beginning 04.03.24
Star of the week is Aminah
Diary of a Disciple Visit
w/c 26.02.24 Star of the week
Our Star of the Week is Faiza
w/c 12.02.24 Star of the week
Star of the Week- week beginning 12.2.24
Year 1 Stars of the Week WB 4/3/2024 are Ahmad for trying hard with his writing and Alysa for persevering with her learning!
Star of the week is Saba
w/c 05/02/24 Star of the week!
Star of the Week- week beginning 5.2.24
STAR of the WEEK is Khayyam
Star of the Week- week beginning 29.1.24
w/c 22.1.24 Star of the week!
Star of the Week is Muzahir
Star of the Week is Mohammed Musa
Star of the Week- week beginning 22.1.24
w/c 15.01.2024 Star of the week
Star of the Week- week beginning 15.1.24
Year 1 Stars of the Week WB 29/1/2024
Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR
Mrs C Glynn - Principal
0161 260 0621
Harmony Trust
Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ
CEO: Antony Hughes
Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully
0161 260 0482 (ext 15)