Class 13: Blog items

Class 13 blog Christmas

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 12:25pm

Class 13 have been working super hard in Maths and English this week but have particulary shone in Art and DT. They have really got into the Christmas spirit. They looked into the meaning of Christmas, designed cards, hats and mats and have also made a New Year's calendar. The children were very creative. They also took part in the school Christmas cracker where they sang 'Rockin around the Christmas tree.'

This week in Year 6

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 11:13am

This week in Year 6 we have had a fabulous Curriculum Week based on Black History Month.  We have learned about the Windrush Generation and explored different people's experiences.  We created Notting Hill Carnival masks and paraded around school.  We had an amazing time.

We hope you all have a fabulous half term!

In Year 6 this week....Week Ending 07.10.22

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 8:13pm

Year 6 have had a very busy week! We have started to write our first person narratives based on the story 'The Harmonica'.  We explored a range of descriptive features that we could use within our writing.  Children also enjoyed using drama to examine how our main character would have felt.

In Maths we have been working hard to find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.  We have tried really hard learning the new concepts!

To finish the week, Year 6 have had the most amazing poetry week. The children have written some fantastic poems.

Make sure to ask your child what they have been learning this week. 

Class 13 Blog - Autumn

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 12:50pm

Year 6 have been learning all about World War 2. They began the topic with a visit from Mr B. They really enjoyed learning about the events thak took place during WW2. We are currently writing in role as evacuees and will move onto exploring propaganda. 

Refugee Web Pages

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 12:25pm

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 6 have been looking at creating an information web page all about refugees. We looked at the features of a non-chronological report as well as carrying out our own research on quality web pages.  You will be able to look at our work on our class pages.


Thank You,


Class 13 and Class 14.

Class 13 Blog

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 1:23pm

Hi Everyone,


We have been worked hard this half term getting ready for our SAT's.  As well as working hard we have also been showing our creative side by learning some fabulous dance skills (You will have to wait to see the performance) and we have made our own version of 'We Don't About Bruno' in music.


We have added a few of photos of our trip to Robinwood.





Year 6 - Safer Internet Day

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 10:38am

This week we looked at many ways on how we can always be safe on the internet.

Pupils recognised that although the internet is a fantastic resource, it also has some dangers. And remaining safe online is of great importance.

We started our session by discussing different games we played online and how we can remain both safe and respectful. Whilst reminding children to only play with friends and family who they know and trust, and to make parents/guardians aware of who they are playing with. It was a great opportunity for all of Year 6 pupils to engage in deep meaningful conversations about internet safety. 

We also learnt how to be respectful to others online and to recognise what is healthy behaviour and unhealthy behaviour when playing online. We then presented our findings in our iPad, focusing on the kind of advice we would give to a individuals who are new to online gaming.

Safer Internet Day 2022

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 2:37pm



In Class 13, we have been creating posters for Safer Internet Day to spread awareness in the school. It has been a pleasure creating the posters and the children have enjoyed using their imagination on their Ipads. The posters contain information on how to stay safe on the internet and also how to avoid cyber bullying and what to do if your are being bullied on the internet.

Click to see what Year 6 have been learning this week....

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 6:24pm

This half term Year 6 have been learning all about refugees; we researched what a refugee is, how someone becomes one and how we can help them. The children showed great interest in this and produced a fantastic piece of writing to go alongside this. The children had written a persuasive piece of writing where they were trying to convince their audience to allow refugees to cross certain borders for their safety, health and well-being. it was great to see such fantastic ideas and sheer empathy towards those who are struggling - Well done Year 6!

We are hoping to carry out a fundraiser to support a local refugee charity known as Unity, who work alongside the Red Cross. Watch this space and we look forward to your continued support with such a worthy cause.

For Maths we worked collaboratively and used a range of co-operative learning techniques to solve questions relating to negative numbers. 

In our science topic we are exoploring fossils, try to visit a library or museum to learn some more interesting facts. 

Have a safe and great weekend,
Mrs Khalil

What a great week of learning

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 2:55pm


This week Year 6 have been learning all about refugees; we researched what a refugee is, how someone becomes one and how we can help them. The children showed great interest in this and produced a fantastic piece of writing to go alongside this. 

We are hoping to carry out a fundraiser to support a local refugee charity known as Unity, who work alongside the Red Cross. Watch this space and we look forward to your continued support with such a worthy cause.

For Maths we worked collaboratively and used a range of Kagan techniques. The pupils became teachers and coached each other to successfully find the correct answer.

Once again what wonderful week of learning.

Have a safe and great weekend,

Mrs Khalil


Year 6 wish you all a safe and lovely half term break...

Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:26pm

Year 6 have been incredibly busy this week, with a range of christmas learning and even a special visit from Santa! The children were extremely excited and grateful with the presents given.

For our English this week, we focused on Poetry and we  performed 'Benjamin Zephania's Christmas Turkey' as a whole class. This was a throughly enjoyable experience. 

The children have had a fanatastic week and can't wait to begin thier half term.
Please be safe, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mrs Khalil & Mr Bottomley

Week Ending 17th Decemeber 2021

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 11:39am

It has been a wonderful half term and the children have produced some fantastic work.

Last week, we raised over £200 with our Kicks n Kakes afternoon and we would like to thank everybody who supported us. 

We had a visit from Santa this week and the children asked lots of interesting questions.

We hope everyone has a super well deserved break.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.thumbnail_Image (1).jpg

Thank You Parents!

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 2:25pm

Hi all, 

Thank you very much for your kind donations towards our fundraiser. 

It was a massive success which was enjoyed by all!

As some children missed out on cakes and treats, we will be hosting Kicks N Kakes fundraiser on Wednesday 15th December.

Thank you once again, 

The Year 6 Team 

Click to see what Year 6 have been learning this week

Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 12:10pm


This week Year 6 have been completing their Year 6 assessments. They have worked really hard and shown a very strong commitment towards them. 

For our writing this week, the children have focused on a book called 'War Diaries' which is a compilation of various diaries from individuals during the Second World War. The children have had a task to create their own version of a 'war diary' and have impressed with their level of creativity and writing. We hope to continue and add further writing in our diaries next week. 

Lastly, we are really impressed with the high number of children who have attended the booster sessions after school - Well done to all Year 6 pupils, keep it up!

Have a safe and lovely weekend all,

Mrs Khalil and Mr Bottomley

Year 6 Blog week ending 8/10/21

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 1:59pm

What an amazing week we have had in Year 6.  We have been reading the book the Harmonica in class and have been using the text to produce some descriptive writing.  This has not been easy as we had to understand the hardships and suffering that the Jewish people had to live through during the Second World War.


In Maths we have been looking at Algebra.  Can anyone solve this equation?


5x+10 = 2x+31


The highlight of our week has been when we had our Read, Achieve, Succed day.  We loved the reading activities and we also got the opportunity to choose a book from Madeline Lindley.  Thank you to the Harmony Trust for making this happen.


thumbnail_Image (3).jpg 

What another fantastic week of learning Year 6

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 11:00am

What a fantastic week of learning we have had in Year 6!


This week we have been learning all about fractions, decimal and percentages. The children have used their previous` knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages to find equivalences and work out fractions of amounts. 

For our English session, we focused on a text called 'The Harmonica' and collectively wrote a playscript. The children identified themes of a playscript, wrote thier own  versions and had the opportunity to act out their scripts. 

During our science session, we researched adaptations and created our own animal, thinking about what the animal would like and how it would behave in order to survive and adapt. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Khalil and Mr Bottomley 




Welcome back Year 6

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 3:03pm

What a lovely start to the term, the children are incredibly enthusiastic and are ready for an extremely important year of learning. 

This week both Year 6 classes have settled in well, they have shown great maturity with their learning and behaviour.

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading our class book ' Who let the Gods Out' and have produced some fantastic character descriptions and diary entries to support their understanding of the book. 

In maths this week we have been looking at the four operations and have used our problem solving skills to find the answers - This was a great opportunity for children to showcase their ' Be an expert learner' pledge point, as they really were experts!

Well done Year 6!



Learning in Year 6 2.7.2021

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 1:49pm

Year 6 have worked hard in completing their rising stars this week and have been very pleased with how they have done. The have also started filming their leavers assembly and have been reflecting on their year. We have thought about what we have enjoyed, what we have learnt and then though about what we want to achieve next year.

Year 6 Weekly Blog

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 12:13pm

This week year 6 have been imaging they are Shackleton and writing in his diary. We thought about how we can make our writing less formal than last week using words like lads, mates and graft. We have done some brilliant Graffiti art, using an online graffiti generator. Both Year 6 classes have now taken part in a football tournament, which they very much enjoyed.

What we have been learning in Year 6

Date: 20th Jun 2021 @ 12:51pm

Year 6 had a great week thinking about our Enterprise project. We worked together to come up with a range of ways to fundraise. After we decided on two ideas we used the computers to create posters to advertise our different events. We also looked at applying for a job on Shackleton's expedition to Antarctica. We had to think about levels of formality to ensure our applications would be considered.

An exciting Curriculum Week in Year 6

Date: 13th Jun 2021 @ 9:58am

Year 6 had a great week designing a QR hunt around Oldham. We composed emails, created clues, QR codes and adverts to advertise our hard work. We also considered the future of Oldham, we mainly thought about how hospitals, schools and our homes will change because of technology.

What we have been doing in Year 6!

Date: 26th May 2021 @ 3:24pm

Year 6 worked really hard last week during a mock SATS week. We used all of our learning and worked so hard. We loved the morning breakfasts especially the hot chocolate.  In the afternoon we focused on lots of team games and activities. This week we have been investigating electricity. We have looked at what happens when more bulbs are added to circuit and how we can then make them brighter


Year 6 News

Date: 11th May 2021 @ 4:29pm

Last week Year 6 had a great time thinking about how boats float. We investigated what shapes we thought would float. This week we will then start to design our own boats linked to out topic. In maths today we looked at algebra  we discovered it's only a missing number) and then we wrote our own algebraic equations. 

Year 6 Digital Art

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 7:37am

Year 6 have had a great week in ICT. We have been learning all about digital art. We first recreated a pointillism piece then we moved on to looking at some famous artists. We looked at Mondrian, Picasso and Andy Warhol. We recreated a piece of artwork from each artist. We then had to create our own artwork using these artists as our influence.

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)