Class 13: Blog items

Learning in Year 6

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 6:04pm

Year 6 have been doing some amazing narrative writing.  We have been inspired by the story, 'The Island by Armin Greder.  Children have worked incredibly hard to include show not tell and dialogue to move the narrative forward. 

In maths, we have been learning about Length.  Paying close attention to converting units of measure - drawing on our skills in multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

We have celebrated Internet Safety week by learning all about how to protect our online profiles.  Make sure to ask your child all about it.

In DT, the pupils in Year 6 have completed their fabulous weaving project.  They worked really hard to develop some gorgeous creations, incorporating all the skills that they have learned through the topic. 



This week in Year 6...

Date: 20th Nov 2024 @ 2:51pm

We are having a fabulous week in Year 6. Children have started writing diaries from the perspective of a child in Britain at the start of the Second World War.  Children carried out some drama to explore the feelings and emotions of people at this time. 

In maths we have been continuing our learning about fractions, this week focussing on Fractions, Decimals and Percenatages. Children have been converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, as well as ordering Fractions decimals and percentages.  The children have worked so hard at remembering the different techniques and how to apply these. 

In Topic we have been researching the different decades of the Twentieth Century and finding out about different inventions.  The children have been fascinated to hear all about a casette player, that we only had four channels to watch on television in the 1980s and that the internet wasn't invented until the 1990s.  Could you tell your child about how things have changed over your lifetime until now?

This week in Year 6...

Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 2:31pm

What another fabulous week in Year 6.  Children have been working really hard in maths to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.  We have been so impressed with everyones effort.

In English, we have continued our learning about Anne Frank.  The children have been planning and writing their own newspaper reports, ensuring to include all the features that we have been learning about.  

Make sure to ask your child all about it. 

This week in Year 6...

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 2:41pm

What a week we have been having in Year 6!  We have research, designed and started to create World War 2 Andreson Shelter models, link to our History Topic.  We have had lots of fun combining materials and working within groups to create the structure.  Children are so excited to decorate their models and we look forward to sharing the finished products with you.


We have also been doing some fabulous writing about the Second World War.  We have used our editting skills to up level and improve our writing and we are now ready to present this is a fabulous book with illustrations. 




This week in Year 6....

Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 2:34pm

This week in Year 6, we have been continuing with our fabulous learning based on the book, 'The Harmonica'.  Children have been focussing on writing in present tense, punctuating speech and using a range of descriptive features.


In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication, including multiplying decimals.


Year 6 are blowing us away with their super attitudes to learning!  Well done everyone! 

This week in Year 6...

Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 5:24pm

What a fabulous week for our Year 6 children!  We have been working hard to write playscripts inspired by 'The Harmonica'.  Children enagaged so well with the story and really considered how the characters would talk to each other and how this would need to be performed on stage.


In Maths, we have been learning about addition and how to tackle reasoning problems that involve addition.  


In Science we have been learning how voltage affects a bulb or motor within a circuit.  We have drawn circuit diagrams and investigated what happens if you include more batteries within a simple circuit.  Make sure to ask your child all about it. 


This week in Year 6.... 20/09/24

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 7:00pm

This week in Year 6 we have been writing letters inspired by the World War 2 story, Rose Blanche.  We have considered the style in which to write and the kind of things we would share in a letter at this time.

In Maths, all children have worked incredibly hard at rounding numbers. We've built on our knowledge of place value and recapped how this relates to rounding. 

We are so proud of our Year 6's and how they are embracing their new classes and new learning! Keep up the hard work! 😀

Year 6 World War 2 Day

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 3:35pm

Year 6 have had an amazing first week.  We had Mr B and Mr T come to school to teach us all about World War 2 on Monday.  We got to learn about how and why World War 2 started, what life was like in Britain at this time and we got to learn how to black out windows and put bandages on.  We had such a fabulous day and learned lots.  Make sure to ask your child all about it.

WW2 Pic 2.PNG

Week Ending 26.4.2024

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 1:14pm

Class 13 have started their revision for the SAT's tests. They have been working very hard and they have been working on any areas for development.

Over the weekend, please run through some of their past papers with your child them to support them, read books and ask them lots of questions and also please ensure that your child has a good nights sleep.


Thank you for all your support.

Stars of the week

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 1:09pm

Ijaz is our star of the week for improving his handwriting.

Week Ending 15.3.2024

Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 2:24pm

This week, in class 13, the children have been learning all about inspirational people. They decided who inspires them at home, in life and from a religious perspective.

Inspirational People

In PE ,we have been working on handball skills, throwing in different ways and dodging skills. The children have had a great time when playing competitively.


This week has also been assessment week and all of the children have worked incredibly hard and have done well. I am very  proud of them!

Well Done Smile Trophy - SuperStickers


Week Ending 01.3.2024

Date: 4th Mar 2024 @ 2:13pm

We have had an excellent start to the term! This week has been curriculum week and we have been focusing on the book 'Mixed' by Arree Chung. 

The children have used the text to create two pieces of writing: a charctaer description and a persuasive speech. They have also enjoyed creating art- using colour and black and white images.


Notices for Spring 2: 

Please be aware that this term our PE sessions will be on Tuesday and a Friday

Children are asked to wear their PE kits on those days. 


Week Ending 08.2.2024

Date: 6th Feb 2024 @ 9:55pm

This week, we assessed the children's progress in various subjects. The children have worked hard!

In science, they learned how fossils are made and how they provide evidence of past life forms.

In RE, this week, the children explored the concepts of charity and architecture and how they relate to different religions and cultures.

This week is Mental Health Week, a time to raise awareness around mental health issues. One of the key messages of this week is the importance of talking. Talking about how we feel, what we struggle with, and what we need, can help us cope better, connect with others, and access support.

What does mental health mean to you? | Children's Mental Health Week 2024 (


About - Children's Mental Health Week




Week Ending 02.2.2024

Date: 3rd Feb 2024 @ 11:58am

This week, as part of their persuasion unit- in English, the children have written a persuasive speech, requesting entry to a new county.  To develop the children's speaking and listening skills, they had the opportunity to share their persuasive speeches with class 9!  There was a key focus on intonation, pronunciation and body language!

Class 9 gave the children in class 13, positive feedback about their written speeches and stated that if they were an official at the border, they would grant them entry in to that safe country.

Based on the children's feeback, from class 9, class 13 achieved their success criteria.

Well done class 13 !

Crowd people migration at sunrise. Silhouette vector illustration (Clipping mask) Crowd people migration at sunrise. Silhouette vector illustration (Clipping mask) cross border stock illustrations

Week Beginning 29.01.2024

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 8:22pm

Wow- what a week!

This week has been yet another incredibly busy and productive one, with our children fully engaged by their learning!

It has been a very cold, wet week, but despite this,the children have been amazing! Year 6 started their new Science learning- about Evolution and Inheritance and began to explore Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution.


In Maths this week, children have been learning about co-ordinates. During their lessons the children have gained a deeper understanding of how to plot co-ordinates, rotate shapes and reflect shapes.



During English this week, our Year 6 children have been introduced to our core text: The Journey by Francesca Sanna. They have been building up their writing skills to create a persuasive speech. I am already amazed by what the children are writing! 

Week Beginning 15.01.2024

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 5:07pm

We have had an exciting week in class 13, including most of the class attending Robin Wood.
During English, we have be developing our retell based on the story titled - The Journey. The focus, this week, has been on editing and creating a polished piece.The children have really focused on improving the grammar and quick fixes to make their learning better.
In French, we have been exploring the vocabulary for clothing  and in PSHE we have moved onto our 'Relationships' topic,  looking at what a good relationship is and how to spot a relationship that is not good for us. 
In PE and Games, we have started our dance topic and Hockey.The children are enjoying building on previous years skills in our dance sessions.
Take a look at the link to Robin Wood
Please could you fill in the parent's consent form so I can share photos with you from Robin Wood. 
Robinwood Activity Centres | Facebook

Week Beginning 08.01.2024

Date: 8th Jan 2024 @ 3:40pm

Welcome back to a brand new year! We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday.

Year 6 are VERY excited about their Robin Wood Trip- next week! Please can you make sure that your child has all the things on the recommended list- Suggested Clothing List (

 If you have any questions, please ask Miss Cummins or the school office.

This week, class 13 have been learning about Refugees through the story- The Arrival - by Shaun Tann. Follow the link to find out more. Cast of Thousands


The children have also been revising Multiplication and Division. Please get your child to go on  to Purple Mash to practise these skills.


This half term the children will have a dance lesson on Thursday and PE on Friday. Please can you make sure that your child wears their school uniform on the other days.



Week beginning -18.12.23

Date: 8th Jan 2024 @ 3:01pm

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 4:39pm

Happy Holidays!
The children were fantastic in the Christmas Cracker performance, we were very proud of them and we hope you enjoyed it if you were able to attend. 
During DT lessons the children have been designing and making their own 20th Century Puppets. The children worked hard to thread needles and stitch accurately. We had some very impressive puppets at the end.
We hope that you have a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in the new year. 
30 Funny New Year Memes To Ring In 2024 With A Laugh | YourTango

Class Blog Week ending 01.12.23

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 3:18pm

This week has been assessment week this week in year 6 and the children have worked very hard to show all of their learning from this term.
I am very proud of their efforts and have enjoyed celebrating their success in class. At home, please encourage your child to complete their homelearning and read more- it really does make a difference.
Purple Mash | Wilkinson PrimarymyON - Apps on Google Play

Class Blog Week ending 24.11.23

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 8:31pm

We have started a new text this week, The Secret War Diary. The children have enjoyed exploring emotions, thoughts and feeling- in role as Flossy.

My Secret War Diary, by Flossie Albright

Maths has been a little challenging this week, the children have been exploring 2-D shapes, angles and their properties.


Next week will be assessment week. Please help your child to read books and answer questions. It is also important that they get an early night and a good breakfast- in the morning.

Assessment Week – Hampton Preparatory School

Learning in Class 1- 10.11.23

Date: 12th Nov 2023 @ 8:55pm

The children have had a fantastic week! 
The classes have enjoyed performing in music, they have played a range of instruments and performed a scat song.
Scat originates from jazz and scat singing or scatting is vocal improvisation with wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words at all.

For our reading comprehension we have been exploring  Volcanoes.This has prompted some lively discussions about the history of eruptions and the devistation that they cause.

Please can you ensure that your child is reading at home and record this in their yellow reading diary. 

How to make sure reading with your child has a happy ending – Tips from a  professional Voice Over Artist and Actor - Posy Brewer - The VoiceOver Voice


Learning in Class 13- 05.11.23

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 2:21pm

In Science, this week the children have developed their knowledge of the function of oxygen in the body, They now know that Oxygen helps organisms grow, reproduce, and turn food into energy. They also know that humans get the oxygen they need by breathing through their nose and mouth into their lungs. Oxygen gives our cells the ability to break down food in order to get the energy we need to survive. 


Click on the link for more information. Air Facts For Kids | Why Do We Breathe Oxygen? | DK Find Out


 In PSHE the children have been learning all about  coping strategies, particularly for difficult situations that cannot be changed.  Coping with Change |




Learning in Class 13- 03.10.23

Date: 1st Nov 2023 @ 7:39pm

This week has been a fun first week back in school, where we have been adding and subtracting fractions, developing our knowledge about the digestive system and also learning all about Ann Frank.

During the week we have also been developing our Computing skills by using notes, scanning to text and using grids.

iPad Notes Icon   Using the iPad in Daily Life: Taking Notes on the iPad


WB 11.09.23 This week in Year 6

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 4:25pm

We are so PROUD of all our Year 6's and how they have come in to school this term, eager and ready to learn!  We are enjoying getting to know all of our lovely pupils and their strengths.  

This week, we got to immerse ourselves in all things Word War Two.  We had a fabulous day on Thursday, kicking off our wonderful topic with a day of exploring artefacts, dressing up and role play.  What an amazing day! Make sure to ask your child all about it. 

10.3.23 - Refugees

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 10:31am

Class 13 have been learning about refugees over the last few weeks. 

They have empathised with them, written in role as refugess and carried out their own research in order to find out more. 

Here we can see class 13 role playing as refugees in a drama lesson.

They have also created acts of kindness that they would show to a refugee child in response to #3000 chairs campaign for refugee children.

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