Class 11: Blog items

Year 5 Blog 24.02.23

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 1:57pm

 This week is Curriculum Week and Class 11 are basing all their learning on a story titled "A River- by Marc Martin.



The children have made a setting on the river in a box, and added a vocabulary in word art. The children have also written about the water cycle and rivers. The photgraphs are just some of the super work Class 11 have produced. 




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Year 5 Blog 19.01.23

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:54pm

After all the fun of our France Day, we have got stuck into our new topic.  We have been looking at the regions of France and what the country is famous for.
In Literacy this week we have been writing all about the life cycle of a butterfly or a frog.  Did you know that a butterfly tastes with its feet and frogs have super stretchy tongues to eat its prey? 
It's been all about division this week with Year 5 working on some super challenging problems. 


Year 5 Blog - 12.01.23

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 1:01pm

Wow what a week.


We have started our topic all out France.  We carried out our 'Wow Starter,' which involved carrying out our own research.  We found out some amazing facts about France including France is the most visited country in the world. The children got to taste some French foods including brie and coissants.  


In English we have been writing alternative endings to the book Madeline.


Maths has involved some very tricky multiplications.  Can you solve this question 47 x 32?  


Thank you for your continued support


The Year 5 Team. 



Class blog- Week ending- 05.01.2023

Date: 8th Jan 2023 @ 3:44pm

This week the children have returned from their Christmas break and have been revising addition and subtraction, with a focus on place value. We started with column addition and subtraction and then moved on to two step problems.

In English the children have looked at the book titled "Madeline" and have written Character description. They have been developing their writing skills by including adjectives, adverbs and imagery among other features to bring the text to life.


Year 5 have returned back to school, focused and determined to make 2023 a FANTASTIC YEAR!



Madeline - Wikipedia

Class blog- Week ending 16/12/22

Date: 18th Dec 2022 @ 7:09pm

What a lovely end to the Winter term! Thank you to everyone for their behaviour over the week which allowed us to be able to do everything festive that we had planned. We were mega impressed by the Christmas cracker performances which attests to the hard work done to learn the words and dance moves to the songs and we loved the Christmas party (especially the visit from Santa with his gifts of new books!).

Please do keep on reading, find a book that interests you or on something that you want to learn more about. Oldham library on Greaves Street is a great place to go to get access to more books with a vast range of genres. You could also spend some time on SumDog or TT Rockstars so that when you come back you are still sharp and ready to learn. 

Well done to you all for your efforts over the whole term and we hope that you enjoy a very well earnt rest over the next two weeks. 


We can't wait to see you all again in 2023!!!

Class blog- Week Ending- 9.12.22

Date: 11th Dec 2022 @ 8:25pm

It's been a wonderful week as Classes 11 and 12 were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Queen Elizabeth Hall to see a live orchestra perform the music from the 'The Snowman'. It was an incredibly enriching experience and we hope that there might be some inspired musicians in our class. We also enjoyed our Christmas fayre and Christmas jumper days and the festivities will continue next week in the last week of term.

Image result for the snowman

Class blog- Week Ending- 2.12.22

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 5:26pm

This week has been challenging for the students as they have been put through their paces with assessments in Maths and English. We are very proud of everyone's attitude and approach to the assessments which can be daunting and are sure that it will show the rewards of the hard work and progress that we see in their work every week. 

See the source image


Outside of this we have been studying the life of Charles Dickens and have written biographies on the life of one of Britain's most renowned authors. It has certainly been a change of pace after four weeks of looking and writing our own fables and legends but everyone has adapted very well and demonstrated their abilities to understand the changes which need to take place when writing for different audiences and purpose. To read more into the life of Charles Dickens or to recap on what we have been learning in class, check out this website: Who was Charles Dickens? - BBC Bitesize

Some of Dicken's works have been made into easy-to-watch youtube videos. Here are the links of some  to watch to help to deepen your knoweldge and acquaint yourself with his stories.

A Christmas Carol Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids in English - YouTube

Oliver Twist | Stories for Teenagers | English Fairy Tales - YouTube

Great Expectations Animated - YouTube


Class Blog- Week Ending - 25.11.22

Date: 27th Nov 2022 @ 8:35pm

On Thursday we were lucky enough to be able to go to the panto and it was great to see the children enjoying the show. Lots of singing and dancing along, "it's behind you" and "oh no you didnt"'s later we all had a great time. Well done to everyone for being really well behaved, responsible for the younger years during the walk to the theatre and for showing a really good image of the school, we're very proud of you!

In class we rounded off our 4 weeks of learining on fables and legends with a polished piece of writing a legend with our own alternate endings. The creative minds got to work and the progress from the first week's writing to the most recent is fantastic. Next week we will be starting to learn about Charles Dickens and if you want to get a headstart on your learning then have a look at these.

Charles Dickens | Biography, Books, Characters, Facts, & Analysis | Britannica

Who was Charles Dickens? - BBC Bitesize

Charles Dickins Facts | Newsround | CBBC - Bing video

See the source image

Class Blog- Week Ending - 18.11.22

Date: 19th Nov 2022 @ 7:31pm

This week Year 5 started the week by wearing odd socks to raise awareness of and kickstart anti-bullying week. By wearing odd socks we celebrated uniqueness, to symbolise that we are all different and that children should be themselves, accepting of one another and celebrate difference. We continued our learning of anti-bullying in our weekly PSHE lesson. To continue your learning you can watch this 'live lesson' Anti-bullying Week 2022 – Live Lesson - BBC Teach

See the source image

Class Blog- Week Ending - 11.11.22

Date: 12th Nov 2022 @ 5:31pm

This week in English, we have been writing our own adaptaions of the fable 'The Rainbow Crow'


To watch an award winning animated version of the movie follow this link. (35) Crow: The Legend | Official Animated Movie [HD] | John Legend, Oprah, Liza Koshy - YouTube.

And to see the behind of the scenes of how the movie was made you can follow this link (35) Inside Baobab Studios: Behind the Scenes of Rainbow Crow (VR Animated Film) - YouTube. It might inspire you following on for your own stop-motion animation movie-making in Computing. 

See the source image

Throughout the week, we improved our witing skills by learning about a range of new sentance openers, sequencing stories and brushing up on the use of dialogue in our writing. At the end of the week the hard work of all of the class culminated in a big write of our own fables.

Year 5's creativity and interest has shone through with some brilliant pieces of work. We're very proud of what they have come up with, be sure to ask about it at home.


Well done Year 5, a fantastic start to English this term, look forward to our next focus, 'The Sea Serpent's Daughter'.

Class Blog- Week Ending - 20.10.22

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 10:29am

Why Is February Black History Month? | Sporcle Blog

This week we have been learning all about Black History Month- for Curriculum Week.

We started the week with a wonderful assembly and then began learning all about the Windrush Generation.

Please click on the link to find out more and ask your child some questions about it.


During the week the children have been creative, making hats for our Notting hill "style" Carnival, painting Caribbean art and studying the journey to England for the Caribbean Islands.

The children have also learnt -all about the racism and discrimination, that the Windrush generation faced, when they arrived in England, after World War 2. 

Our children have been amazing, thoughtful in knowledgeable. They have been very empathetic, compassionate and understanding too.

Well done Year 5!

Class Blog- Week Ending - 14.10.22

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 1:00pm


This week in Class 14 we have done some super maths learning all about Fractions. The class have done so well and we are very proud!


In English we have been continuing with our creative writing based on 'Macbeth'. The children in year 5 have a passion for William Shakespeare's work. It is wonderful to see.

In Computing This week we have had a fantastic time developing our stop motion animations.



William Shakespeare - Quotes, Plays & Wife - Biography



Class Blog- Week Ending -07.10.22

Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 8:45pm

In English, this week, the children have been writting a biography all about William Shakespeare.During their lessons they have been gathering, planning and organising their information. The children have been making sure that they have written in chronological order.

Brilliant Brits: Shakespeare By Richard Brassey

In Maths, the children have been dividing, using the division bracket and have been exploring remainder, The children have inpressed us with knowledge, progress and skills.

Class Blog- Week Ending -30.9.22

Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 4:49pm

This week wIill  be working on multiplication in Maths and in English we will be researching information all about William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare - Quotes, Plays & Wife - Biography

Please ask your child to share their facts that they have learnt. Next week the children  will be using their facts to create biographies.


In Computing, this week, the children will be creating storyboards for their Stop motion animations. We are all very excited to get started!

Storyboard Example Image


Class Blog- Week Ending -23.9.22

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 9:07am

 This week we have been working on subtraction in Maths and in English we have been writing a scene from  a story, titled "The boy the bear, the baron and the Bard.

Please ask your child to describe their setting for you or ask them which speech they will be using, in the scene.

In Science, the children are exploring gravity and the children are using force meters.


As part of our Tudor topic, the children have been writing a diary, as if they were taking part in the Battle of Bosworth.


Here is a link to gravity for you to watch and share with your child.

What is gravity? - BBC Bitesize

Next week the children  will be looking at Fiction.

Here are a few videos to get a head, with friction,

BBC - Search results for friction

See the source image

Class Blog- Week Ending -16.9.22

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:53am

Class 11 have been  learning all about stop motion animation.

They have researched what it is and they have also watched animations which use this method of filming.

Watch this space for some of the children's super atempts.

Take a look...

How To Make Stop Motion Animation - Bing video


See the source image

Class Blog- Week Ending -9.9.22

Date: 11th Sep 2022 @ 4:09pm

This week we welcome Mr Rose to class 11. He will be teaching in class 11 and is looking forward to getting to know the children over the next few weeks.

We have had a fantastic first week in Class 11.  We have explored the story 'The Secret Lake' in Literacy and we have been recapping our understanding of the four rules of number in Maths.  

As an introduction to our new topic, The Tudors, we  created the Battle of Bosworth. In Science we have explored Forces and in PSHE we have created class rules.

Miss Cummins and Mr Rosel are so proud of Class 11 and the super start they have had to Year 5! 

Richard III’s death at the Battle of Bosworth was a turning point in history

Getting Active in Y5.

Date: 16th Jul 2022 @ 6:45am

On Friday, at Greenhill  it was ‘Get Active’ day, where the children learnt all about why it is important to stay active.

The children wore sports clothing and took part in different sporting tasks. Y5 played rounder's, and did a few sporting challenges based on a long jump, running, and throwing.

We also designed a few poster about keeping fit  and healthy. The money raised from this day will go towards new PE equipment. Well Done  Y5!


Flowering Plants

Date: 9th Jul 2022 @ 9:06am

Y5 have been busy in science learning about plant lifecycles. This week we recapped on the different part of a plant and their jobs. They were amazed to find out that the leaf helps the plant to make its food using sunlight and carbon dioxide.

We then went onto look closely at the parts of a flower. We identified the male and female parts of the flower by taking apart the petals to reveal the stamen, and the carpel. The children had a great time dissecting the flower and labelling the parts.


Roman Numerals

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 10:54pm

This week, Class 11 have been busy learning about Roman numerals. We have learnt to read and write Roman numerals as numbers and dates.

We have also been answering problem solving and reasoning questions based on Roman numerals.


Today we put our knowledge and skills to use. We worked in small groups to solve tri-jigsaw puzzles in which we used Roman numerals. We started with a simple puzzle and then progressed to more challenging ones. The children felt so proud of themselves when they solved a problem. Well done!

Online Safety

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 5:10pm

Today, as part of our Online Safety development, we took part in an assembly presented by the Google and Parent Zone's Be internet legends team. This special interactive event was fun packed and informative. The children enjoyed themselves very much and successfully solved the puzzle.

The children learnt a great deal about how the internet can be a safe place if we follow some very simple but important rules. The children will be coming home with a leaflet which explains everything that was discussed. It would be great if parents could discuss and reinforce online safety at home as well.


Working out volume in Y5

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 6:21am

This week in Maths, Y5 have been learning about how to work out volume. We started by looking at what volume is and how we can work it out using cubic units. We began with a practical session in which we used cubes to build a variety of simple and complex shapes. We then counted the number of cubes that were used to make the shape in order to work out the volume. We then went on to explored the formula for volume and how we have to multiply three dimensions to get an answer. Surprisingly, Y5 did very well with this. Well done!

Y5 Art work

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 6:44am

This week was curriculum week in which we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The children been busy learning about Queen Elizabeth and her life. They have also been involved in range of activities in which they have been able to put to use their creative ideas, such as designing their own crowns. Other highlights of the week were sports day and the Jubilee Lunch.

Today, we hosted our Jubilee art exhibitions in which Y5 created art work inspired by the artist Claude Monet. It was a pleasure to watch the children taking time to create the depth and textures they wanted. They took great pride in their work and made sure it was just right. Well done Y5, your work was amazing!


Year 5 meet the author Frank Cottrell-Boyce

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 1:39pm

Today, Year 5 paid a visit to Northmoor Academy where we were lucky enough to meet the much loved children’s author Frank Cottrell-Boyce. The children where fascinated by the stories he had to tell and were bursting to ask questions about his life experiences and the books that he has written. All the children have been presented with one of his books and we have set them the challenge of reading it over the half term break. Happy reading Year 5!


Maths in Year 5

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 11:02am

This week Year 5 have been learning how to divide by a 2-digit number in maths. The children have learnt how to build 2 digit multiple lists in order to complete the short division method accurately. They have been brilliant when exhcnaging within the method also. 

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