Class Blog- Week Ending -23.9.22

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 9:07am

 This week we have been working on subtraction in Maths and in English we have been writing a scene from  a story, titled "The boy the bear, the baron and the Bard.

Please ask your child to describe their setting for you or ask them which speech they will be using, in the scene.

In Science, the children are exploring gravity and the children are using force meters.


As part of our Tudor topic, the children have been writing a diary, as if they were taking part in the Battle of Bosworth.


Here is a link to gravity for you to watch and share with your child.

What is gravity? - BBC Bitesize

Next week the children  will be looking at Fiction.

Here are a few videos to get a head, with friction,

BBC - Search results for friction

See the source image

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