Class 7: Blog items

Super Star Learning in Class 7 20.12.24

Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 10:27pm

Class 7 have continued to work hard all the way up to finishing for the holiday. They have loved learning about Light and shadows and how these change size depending on how near or far yo are from the solid object. They also worked together as a class to discuss and sort statements about relationships online, family and friends. They all were clear on not sharing any personal information with someone you don't know online. A fantastic term Class 7! Well done!

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Learning in Class 7 12.12.24

Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 2:08pm

This week Class 7 have been getting excited for Christmas. We had a visit to Santa's grotto and were excited to open our presents. We love to read. :) 

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Learning in Class 7 22.11.24

Date: 21st Nov 2024 @ 10:27pm

Class 7 have had a great week learning about division in maths. They started by using concrete materials to solve calculations and built up their understanding over the week to then solve word problems by the end. They carried out experiments in science to find the best and worst reflective materials. In PE they had to work as a team and communicate well with each other to achieve the task. They did brilliantly!

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Learning in Class 7 14.11.24

Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 1:00pm

Class 7 have been creating cave art using materials available in the stone age. They crushed sandstone and mixed it with oil and berries to make paint. They also used mud. We think their art work is great and their sketch books are looking fantastic. 
#TheHarmonyPledge #BeCreative

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Learning in Class 7 7.11.24

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 4:31pm

This week we had our WOW starter for the Stone Age topic. We had an amazing afternoon being tool makers, cave painters, story tellers and researchers.




Learning in Class 7

Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 9:58pm

Class 7 have been working hard all half term on their gymnastic performances. They have mastered travelling in a variety of ways, rolls, balances on large and small body parts and jumps. They have linked them all together to create a performance showing LOTS of creativity, control and improved skills. Well done Class 7!

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Learning in Class 7

Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 12:26am

Class 7 were looking at fact and opinion in their PSHE lesson this week. We talked about if it was a fact you could research and find it. However, if it's opinion then it is each persons opinion and these can be varied because we are all different. We started with mind mapping peoples opinion about the best thing at playtime. Then, the children were given the statement 'Pizza is the best food to eat'. The children had thinking time to decide in their opinion did they agree or disagree. They made points to debate on their iPads. Before we started we shared rules about  respecting others opinion. Then we held our debate. About a third of the class agreed and two thirds disagreed and they all shared why. We had a respectful but heated debate.

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Learning in Class 7

Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 10:26pm


Class 7 have been learning all about forces in science and this week we investigated the force 'friction'. The children had different surfaces to test the toy car on to see which surface produced the most friction. The class decided on a question - Which surface will create the most and least friction? They made some clever predictions, carried out fair tests by only changing the surface and found out that carpet had the most friction and silk had the least friction. They were all super scientists.

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Learning in Class 7 3.10.24

Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 7:14am

Class 7 made bridges in DT last week.On Friday a child brought a car from home to test them out. Another child brought their bridge over too and they connected them and tested their strength. They were so excited to see that their bridges were in indeed strong enough for a car to pass over.


Learning in Class 7

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 10:42pm

Class 7 have been very busy working hard all week creating a bridge for English and DT. The class researced bridges first and then worked on skills for making paper strong to build a bridge. The children worked in Teams in our Makers Space using all their skills and teamwork to be successful. We are so proud of how hard Class 7 are working. Well done!

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Learning in Class 7

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 9:19am

Class 7 did some amazing work on their Ipads this week. We screenshot a map of the UK and labeled the countries and seas. Some of us typed up some facts and added the map to our notes. Super Geography skills and super Ipad skills.


Learning in Class 7

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 12:25am

Class 7 have had a fantastic start to the year showing lots of enthusiasm for their learning and asking lots of interesting questions.

In English we have been making predictions about our book Harry  and the Jaggedy Daggers. They have used dictionaries to find meanings of new vocabulary in the book and uplevelled simple sentences so they are exciting to read.

In Maths we have been looking at Place Value covering counting forwards and backwards, working out missing numbers from numbers up to 1000. The class have partitioned numbers and made the numbers using equipment to show they know the value of each digit. Yhey have also been working on their 4x tables by singing times table songs, playing games, making the 4x table with equipment and chanting them.

In PSHE we have been looking at Rules and Responsibilities. The children had so much to say building on previous learning about rules in class, school, home, mosque and in life. They remembered Greenhill's BUCKET rules and showed this through team work and drama. Together they came up with Class 7's rules so they BEING THE BEST THEY CAN BE!

A fabulous start start to the new year Class 7! Well done!

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Date: 15th May 2024 @ 8:32am

This half term the children have been learning all about Skeletons in their science lessons.

They have learnt why our skeletons are important and have also taken part in an experiment to see if all skeletons are the same size.


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The children had to measure eachothers heads, feet and arms. They concluded that all skeletons are different sizes.


They have also created a power point about skeletons.

Ask your child to show you their power point on their iPad.

Curriculum Week Year 3

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 2:41pm

This week Year three have been celebrating curriculum week.


The children listened to the story:

Mixed: An Inspiring Story About Colour : Chung, Arree: Books


The children described the purple character in the story. They used similes and conjunctions to improve their writing.

Some of the similes they included were 'as cool as a cucumber, as round as a ball, as loud as a lion'.

They also tried to include different conjunctions such as; when, before, after, while and because.


Towards the end of the week the children wrote a speech from the Blue family introducing the colour Purple. They worked extremely hard on their handwriting and spelling skills. They used vocabulary linked to the type of character they were pretending to be.


The children also took part in drama where they used different techniques to act out the story.

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During the afternoons the children took part in some art lessons. They practiced shading using coloured pencils and paint. They then created a picture of the purple character using their shading skills.


Egyptian Necklaces

Date: 14th Feb 2024 @ 8:46am

This half term the children in class 7 have been learning all about Ancient Egypt.

This week the children took part in a DT lesson where they designed, planned and created an Egyptian Necklace to sell at the Manchester Mueseum.

The children had lots of fun adding patterns and colours to their designs.

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The Stone Age

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 8:22am

This half term year three have been learning all about the Stone Age.

They started their learning with a visit from a drama school who explored the Stone Age through drama. 


They then took part in a WOW afternoon where they were able to carve tools, research the different periods of time and create cave paintings.



The children enjoyed recreating a picture of Stone Henge using water colours and collage.


Great Britian

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 10:47am

This half term the children will be learning all about Great Britain.


The children had a wonderful afternoon tasting traditional food from the 4 countries, learning traditional dances and drawing the countries flags.


They are very excited to find out the answers to all of their questions.

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Healthy living

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 10:58am

Class 7 started their science learning for this half term with a WOW afternoon.


They took it in turns to taste different fruits and vegetables, create obseervational drawings of the fruit and vegetables, learn about the five food groups and create a healthy balanced plate.

They had lots of fun and took part in lots of discussions about how to stay healthy.


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Merry Christmas

Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 3:52pm

Class 7 have had a wonderful week celebrating Christmas.


They loved the presents they recieved on Thursday off Father Christmas.




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Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful families and friends.



And a Happy New Year!

14.11.22 Setting Description

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 8:23am

This week in our English lessons we are going to be looking at a setting description of the ice age.

The children watched the film last week and used what they saw to create their own settings.

They worked as a team to create a setting box, where they then thought of adjectives and similies to describe the different parts.


The stone age

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 1:18pm

This week the children have begun their learning all about the stone age.

They started their learning off with a WOW afternoon where they took part in carving tools, cave paintings, role play and even used their iPads to research the different periods of time.




Oceans and Seas

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 8:26am


This week in topic we used our atlases to look for the seas and oceans that surround the UK.

We worked with our partner and labelled the map of the UK.

Miss Gilmour then challeneged us by asking us to find 10 different rivers that could be found across all four countries of the UK.

We enjoyed using the atlases and were able to find all of the rivers.


We will link our topic lesson to National Poetry day where we will learn about how we can save our oceans by recycling!



English- Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 1:59pm

Over the last three weeks class 7 have been looking at the story 'Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers'.

The children have worked really hard to create a setting description, character description and an alternative retell.

During their lessons the children have really impressed Miss Gilmour with their knowledge and vocabulary.

It has been a great start to Year 3 and Miss Gilmour is very excited to see how the children's writing progresses over the year.


Ask your children if they can remember the story we have been reading.

Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers (Bottlenose Bay): Fearnley,  Jan: 9781405261692: Books

Introducing the iPads!

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 2:19pm

This week in year three we have introduced the iPads that we will be able to take home.

We have been very excited to learn all about our iPads and how to keep them safe.

We have all made a promise to our teachers that we will look after our iPad and use it for our learning in school and for homework outside of school.

We cannot wait to be able to take them home with us next week!

Great Britain

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:33am

This week the children took part in a WOW afternoon!

The children discussed what they already knew about Great Britain and what they would like to learn.

They then looked at the flags, traditional dances, clothing and food from the four countries.

They had a wonderful time!


Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Anthony Hughes

Chair of Governing Body: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)