Week Beginning 22.01.2024
Class: Class 13 Year: 2023 - 2024
Wow- what a week!
This week has been yet another incredibly busy and productive one, with our children fully engaged by their learning!
It has been a very cold, wet week, but despite this,the children have been amazing! Year 6 started their new Science learning- about Evolution and Inheritance and began to explore Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution.
In Maths this week, children have been learning about co-ordinates. During their lessons the children have gained a deeper understanding of how to plot co-ordinates, rotate shapes and reflect shapes.
During English this week, our Year 6 children have been introduced to our core text: The Journey by Francesca Sanna. They have been building up their writing skills to create a persuasive speech. I am already amazed by what the children are writing!