Star of the Week
W/C 25.09.23
Star of the Week WB. 25.9.23
Star of the Week is Ishaaq
W/C 18.09.23 Star of the week
W/C 11.09.23 Star of the week
Year 6
Star of the week is Sakina
Star of the Week is Safah
Proposal to implement a SEND Integrated Resource Unit
14/7/23 - star
14/7/23 - Star
7/7/23 - star
Star of the week is Khadijah
30.6.23 - star
Star of the week is Ibrahim M
23.6.23 - star
Star of the Week WB 19.06.23
Star of the week is Ahmed
Star of the week is MARYAM
Star of the Week WB. 12.06.23
Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR
Mrs C Glynn - Principal
0161 260 0621
Harmony Trust
Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ
CEO: Antony Hughes
Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully
0161 260 0482 (ext 15)