Our of star of the week is...
Our Star of the week is Faathima
WB 14.06.21 Class 12's Star of the week is... Salahuddin
WB 14.06.21 - Class 11's Star of the Week is...Ishaq
Star of the Week- WB 14.6.2021
Home learning - 14th june
Our Star of the Week is Uzair
Star of the week
Our Star of the Week this week is.... Marwa for great phonics! WB 5.7.2021
Our Star of the Week is...
WB 07.06.21 - Class 11's Star of the Week...Yassin
Home learning - 7th June
Our Favourite books are...
Our Teachers Favourite Books
Our Star of the week is...
Star of the Week
Star of the week WB 24.5.2021
Class 1 Star of the Week WB 24.5.2021
Miss Savage and Mrs Ali's Favourite Books
Mrs Khalil's favourite book is...
Our Star of The Week this week is Zak
Mrs Tomlinson's Favourite Book
Mrs Corcoran's Favourite Book
Reception Holiday Learning WB 31.5.2021
Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR
Mrs C Glynn - Principal
0161 260 0621
Harmony Trust
Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ
CEO: Antony Hughes
Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully
0161 260 0482 (ext 15)