Pre-School: Blog items

This week in pre-school...

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:56pm

This week the children had fun experimenting with lots of different colours. They have been mixing colours freely, making pictures from coloured ice and also using strips of coloured paper to make patterns.

Family group times have included activities to promote the children’s communication, maths and physical skills by showing their understanding of action words, counting and sorting objects using numbers 1-5, threading shapes onto strings  

This week in Pre-school

Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 12:01pm

This week in pre-school we have been exploring the colour green. We have been singing the song 5 little speckled frogs and using a green frog interest tray to create opportunities for language development.   


Other activities this week included talking about the celebration of Chinese New Year.  As it is the year of the snake the children have been making fingerprint snake patterns, and imaginative play has been enhanced with to link with the celebration. 

We are learning about...

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:56pm

This week in preschool we have been busy taking part in Curriculum Week. We focused on digital technology in the future and our theme was “Out of this World.”

We made rockets from junk modelling materials and used foil to paint star pictures, adding lots of glitter to the pictures to make them shine!

We read the story Whatever Next by Jill Murphy.  It’s a story about baby bear making a rocket and flying to the moon. All children had the opportunity to try out an interactive counting game and also explore the little BEEBOT robot, pressing the buttons to make it go in different directions.

We have been learning about ... Rainbow colours

Date: 26th May 2021 @ 11:30am

This week in Pre-school we looked at rainbow colours and fun mixing paints to see what new colours we could make. We matched colours of the rainbow using pom poms and decorated biscuits with different colours. 

The children had a go at making instruments out of small pots and explored mark making in lots of different ways. 

We read the story of The Rainbow fish and children used puppet props to retell the story.

We have been learning about... the colour orange

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 10:27pm

This week in pre-school we have been exploring the colour orange.

We added roadways and orange construction toys to our small world and construction areas. 

We have explored orange themed activities, painting and collage and practiced mark making in a tray of orange custard. 

In family group times we read stories, practiced writing skills and explore jigsaw puzzles. 

We have been learning about... colours and shapes

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 4:13pm

This week we have been so busy in Pre-school, we made Eid cards for our families and on Friday we had an Eid party, with food, dancing , bubbles and balloons!
We have been looking at colours and shapes - This week focusing on the colour yellow. Children have made some art work using different shades of yellow and read the story of Six little Chicks.  We were asked to plant some seeds by the eco team and the children enjoyed doing this activity. We are going to add them to the planters at the front of school.

We have been learning about... cooking

Date: 5th Apr 2021 @ 6:15pm

In Pre-school this week our topic has been cooking.
We have made lots of yummy treats! When making fruit kebabs, the children helped to cut their own fruit up. When making pizza all the children chose which toppings to add and we also made some shortbread biscuits with children weighing and mixing the ingredients together. We made recipe cards by doing mark making and printed pictures with potatoes! We have also read the story of The Gingerbread Man.

We have been learning about... what makes us happy!

Date: 30th Mar 2021 @ 3:19pm

This week we have taken part in lots of sensory activities, that are calming, relaxing and that help to make us happy.  
This included sensory shaving foam and water scented with mint and lemon. We made some sensory bottles using pasta, lentils, glitter and water.
Preschool children listened to lots of happy music, joined in with action songs and played some new games. 
In family group times, we read some stories such as I like it when... and I feel sunny. We talked about our emotions and drew pictures about what makes us happy. 

We have been learning about... being active!

Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 4:02pm

In pre-school this week we have been doing fun activities around being active.
The children have practiced their physical skills, balance and coordination during indoor and outdoor play.
We have done some large scale drawing, exploring playdough and singing action songs.
All children had turns at trying out the hopscotch mats- jumping , running or hopping along it.
Stories we read this week are Wiggle and Giggle and Doing the Animal Bop.

We have been learning about... doctors!

Date: 14th Mar 2021 @ 8:40pm

This week in Pre-school we have been learning about DOCTORS. We talked about visiting the doctor when we feel poorly. The children have been role-playing in our doctors surgery, looking at x-rays and pretending to be a doctor using the doctors set.

We read stories together about Maisy Mouse going to hospital  and a book called OUCH! I need a plaster.

We have also made cards for Mothers Day.

We have been learning about... Let's Celebrate Me!

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 3:38pm

This week in Preschool our topic was -Let’s Celebrate Me! 

We talked about celebrations. We have done some maths activities with cakes and candles and had a dolls tea party. 

We have made some Christmas cards, decorations and crafts using a variety of materials.  

We have also been practicing our present wrapping skills using tools like scissors and tape. We celebrated by having a Christmas party with lots of games and dancing!

We have been learning about... Where we live!

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 5:06pm

This week we have been looking at where we live, and we have looked at photographs of some of the buildings we see in Oldham.
Pre-school children have made buildings out of blocks and done some model making with boxes, glue, collage and tape. They have been taking part in role play activities with small world people, cars and houses and also within our home area.
We have read some stories called Salman and friends, which are about keeping safe when crossing the road.

We have been learning about... Our Family!

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:10pm

This week we have been learning about our family.
Pre-school children have been asked to draw their family members and singing the family finger song. The children have been talking about families by looking at photographs, washing dolls and playing with lots of play people and houses.
We have also been reading a book called Baby and Me. 

We have been learning about... My Body!

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 11:12pm

This week we have been learning about My Body- what I can do.
Preschool children have been doing lots of action songs, like heads, shoulders knees and toes, using the whole of their body. We have been learning about parts of our body, looking in the mirror at our faces and also making handprints.


We have been learning about... Ourselves!

Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 3:54pm

This term our topics are based around the theme "This is me". This week we have been learning about our names and alphabet letter sounds. We have also been been creating  pictures of ourselves out of collage and by painting.

We have been learning about... The Wheels on the Bus!

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 10:14am

This week we have been learning about the song The wheels on the bus, and everyone has been joining in with the actions.
We have been exploring wheels and how we can make them roll, paining with rollers and even watching how cars can roll down a ramp.

We have been learning about... Incy Wincy Spider!

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 12:45pm

This week we have been learning the nursery rhyme-Incy Wincy spider.
Children have been joining in with the actions to the song and we have been reading The Very Busy Spider story by Eric Carle.
We have made spiders using egg boxes and pipe cleaners and made web pictures out of wool.
The children have been looking for lots of spiders hidden in our room!

New to Nursery Sept 2020 New Topic Homework

Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 3:53pm

New to Nursery Sept 2020 Home Learning

Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 3:46pm

02 Apr 2020 - Daily Learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:57am

Access Purple Mash here to find tasks set by your child's class teacher.

All children at Greenhill Academy have access to Purple Mash.  Your child’s teacher will set work on here.  Check the alert button on your child’s home page for work that has been set.  Otherwise, there are 1000s of fun resources for your child to explore on here, for all curriculum areas.

01 Apr 2020 - White Rose Hub Maths- Daily Learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:54am

White Rose Hub is a website that we use to help support our Mathematics curriculum. They have kindly put on an activity of the day for you to access at home.

Check it out:

31 Mar 2020 - Ideas for Home Learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:53am

These are ideas to help you support your child's learning and are not to be completed all at once. There will be updates from Mr Garth frequently, so please keep checking this page for new ideas and resources.

Home learning ideas for parents and Pre-school children

Nursery Rhymes

In Pre-school we enjoy listening to a variety of nursery rhymes, the children love watching these in class. You can use the Youtube kids app to make sure your children are not exposed to inappropriate advertisements. 

Click each link below to find suitable videos for your child :

Mr Tumble — 

The Wiggles — 



In Pre-school the children are looking at environmental sounds and discovering the sounds we can make with our bodies using body percussion, all of these are aspects from phase 1 phonics.

For advice on doing phase 1 phonics at home with your children please click on the links below :


These websites are excellent for playing phonics games with your child : — This website is currently free for parents to use. Username: March20 Password: home — This is currently not free however some games are free without a subscription.



The children love watching Jack Hartmann and numberblocks. You can use the Youtube kids app to make sure your children are not exposed to inappropriate advertisements.

Click on the links before for these videos :

Jack Hartmann —

Numberblocks —


Moving and handling

The children enjoy taking part in different yoga and exercise activities in class, below are links to videos your children will be familiar with :

Patty Shukla —

Joe Wicks —

Cosmic kids yoga —


Alongside the books in your child's book bag, here are a few links to other high quality texts : 

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)