Our blogs

Christmas week in Class 3

Date: 19th Dec 2020 @ 11:17am

This week in Class 3, it has been Christmas week. 

Not only have we been making super reindeer hats, Christmas cards and lovely Christmas mats, but we have had a class party and watched the school nativity. 

We have had so much fun this week getting in the Christmas spirit and getting ready for our 2 week holiday.

We hope everyone has a lovely relaxing break, and we can't wait to see you all again in the New year. 

Christmas Fun in Class 4

Date: 19th Dec 2020 @ 7:40am

This week in Class 4 we have had a great time taking apart in Christmas fun and games. We had our Christmas party, where the children came dressed in their favourite Christmas jumpers of all shapes and sizes. We wore our reindeer party hats and got to use our Christmas place mats.

Santa coming to visit our classroom was such an exciting moment. He was so jolly and happy that we decided to make our own Santa Christmas cards for our parents. We hope you liked them!

On party day, we played many games such as pass the parcel and musical statues. Many children managed to win a prize.

We have finally come to the end of a hard working term. We would like to wish all our parents a fantastic Christmas break. Thank you for all your help and support this term and we hope to see you all back in January.


We have been learning about... Let's Celebrate Me!

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 3:38pm

This week in Preschool our topic was -Let’s Celebrate Me! 

We talked about celebrations. We have done some maths activities with cakes and candles and had a dolls tea party. 

We have made some Christmas cards, decorations and crafts using a variety of materials.  

We have also been practicing our present wrapping skills using tools like scissors and tape. We celebrated by having a Christmas party with lots of games and dancing!

WOW what a fantastic end to a busy week!

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 11:48am

The children have been absolutely amazing this week especially during our bubble closure. I was really impressed with the children's level of engagment with our homelearning - Keep it up Class 10!

This afternoon, the children had a Eid party, and it was lovely to all the children dress up and have lots of fun!

I hope you have all had a wonderful time celebrating Eid this year,  Eid Mubarak!

Mrs Khalil


WB 17/12/2020 Reception Weekly Blog

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 5:18pm

This week Reception  practised and performed a fantastic Nativity. Every child took on a major part - with some having to step in at the very last moment! We were all amazed at how talented they are and how confidently they performed.

All the adults in Receptin  were amazingly proud of every single child in the performance. Their Christmas Lunch and party on Thursday was a well deserved reward for  all their effort!

Class 12's Blog

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 1:41pm

Wow it's been a busy few weeks.  Class 12 have been making their own animations in Computing. We used the technique called 'Stop Go Animation to create short videos using plastercine.

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about learning about Charles Dickens.  We have been persuading Scrooge to celebrate Christmas as well as solving a murder mystery in Maths.

We hope you have a lovely break.  Stay safe and we will see you all in the new year.

Christmas Fun!

Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 4:30pm

Over the final couple of weeks the children have done a few fun festive activities. They watched the pantomime of Hansel and Gretel and dressed up as different panto characters, they made Christmas placemats and hats ready for their Christmas party day, they had a visit from Santa who brough them a gift each, they made Christmas cards to take home for their families and they loved coming to school in their fantatsic Christmas jumpers and playing party games with their friends! 

Year 6 Getting Ready for Christmas

Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 8:18am

Year 6 had a debate about if turkeys should be eaten at Christmas. We got in role as a turkey and thought about how we would feel. We also practiced our songs for the Christmas cracker and filmed it at the end of the week. We are looking forward to seeing the finished product this week!

Class 1 Weekly Blog WB 7.12.2020

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 9:29pm

This week class 1 have done lots of great learning about The First Chistmas. They have made lots of links to their parts in the Nativity Story which they have been rehearsing - they are excited and ready to film their performance next week.

In Maths Class 1 have done lots of great learning abourt triangles and circles. They have looked at them from lots of different angles and spotted them in the environment.They have made place mats in different shapes ready for their Christmas party on Thursday.

Class 1 looked fantastic in their pantomine outfits. We had lot of Princesses and Princes, a couple of witches and quite a few Superheroes!!

Week ending 11.12.2020

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 8:30pm

We have had a super week learning all about Great Britain. We have explored rivers, seas and mountains and we have used a compass to locate towns and cities. The children have also been on the internet to research their own information. 



Learning - wk end - 11.12.20

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 6:06pm

The children have enjoyed practicing their song for the christmas cracker. The children are looking forward to watching the rest of the school performing their song. 

The children have also made gorgeous christmas cards. We hope you like them. 

Singing, dancing and poetry.

Date: 12th Dec 2020 @ 2:25pm

C4 have been in festive spirits all week long in preparation for our lovely Christmas performances.

The children carefully used their cutting skills to make their reindeer hats and added a splash of glitter here and there to give it that sparkling Christmas touch.

They also had a great time learning the words to their song and practising the dance steps and actions. Turning left and turning right, going up and then down.

It was a proud moment for us when the children managed to sing, dance and balance their hats for their performance. It was a joy and a pleasure to watch. We are sure that you will enjoy watching it just as much as we did.

Well done Class 4!

Getting ready for christmas with Little robin red vest.

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 8:20pm

This week Class 3 have been getting ready for christmas by reading the story Little robin red vest. This is the second week that we have focused on this story, so we know the story inside out. Using lots of super time connectives and conjunctions we have been writing some amazing re-tells of the story, taking our time to order the animals and the different colours of their vests.

In keeping with the christmas spirit we have made out very own reindeer hats and performed both a reindeer dance and a special chirstmas poem. We cant wait for you to see our super performances! 

Next week will be filled with lots of extra special chirstmas learning,  and we can't wait to share all we have done with you at home! 


We have been learning about... Where we live!

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 5:06pm

This week we have been looking at where we live, and we have looked at photographs of some of the buildings we see in Oldham.
Pre-school children have made buildings out of blocks and done some model making with boxes, glue, collage and tape. They have been taking part in role play activities with small world people, cars and houses and also within our home area.
We have read some stories called Salman and friends, which are about keeping safe when crossing the road.

What we have been learning about in class 2! (WB 7.12.20)

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 5:02pm

This week in class 2 we have been learning about the nativity story. After reading the book the children have enjoyed retelling the story by drawing pictures of the characters and writing captions or sentences using their phonic knowledge.  

In maths we have continued our learning into shapes and also positional language. The children have enjoyed reading the 'Little Red Hen' and directing the hen around the map. 

The children are all very excited for our nativity performance next week, we have all of the costumes ready for our dress rehearsal on Monday!

Learning in Class 8 7.12.20

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:53pm

Class 8 have been learning about money in maths. Today they were adding amounts. Some children went out to play shop and buy items with their money. They enjoyed finding the correct coins to make amounts and adding amounts when they were buying several things. Aneesa said 'Its like going to the shop with mum'.


We are poets and we know it!

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 11:56am

This week we have been using our knowledge of space to write some amazing poems. We wrote list, shape and acrostic poems then we published them into our very own class library for everyone to read! We have had some very talented writers this week! We are so proud of Class 6's effort and pride in their learning this week! 

What we have been learning about this week (07.12.20)

Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 7:08pm

This week we have been learning about the story 'The Jolly Postman'. We learnt how christmas is celebrated by christians. As a group we wrote a letter of the things we would like from Santa Claus and then posted the letter, using a stamp and envelope. For maths we played a game called build a tower, we had to roll the dice, count the dots, then build a tower using that number of bricks. In phonics, we listened to different sounds in bottles, trying to guess what they were and if they compared to any everyday sounds we hear. 

On panto day we filmed our two christmas songs that will be joined with Reception Nativity. More information on how to access this will be sent out soon. 

Our Space Learning Journey

Date: 8th Dec 2020 @ 10:56pm

This half term the children in Class 5 have been learning all about SPACE. This week we brought all of our learning together to create our learning journey wall. We realised just how much learning we had done over just a few weeks. The children really enjoyed recalling facts about the Space Race with the different animals going into space, as well as the amount they could remember about the Moon Landing. The children have worked so hard on this topic in school but also at home when they made their fantastic space rockets and accessories. 


What we have been learning about this week in class 2! (WB 30.11.20)

Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 10:18pm

This week Class 2 have been venturing into space and joining Baby Bear on his adventure  to the moon in the book Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. We chose where we would like to fly to in our cardboard box rocket and had a big discussion into postcards. The children have spent the rest of the week making lots of postcards in the writing area!
In maths we have been doing great learning about 4 sided shapes. We have looked for rectangles and squares in the environment and created shape pictures. 
Nativity rehearsals are in full swing and Class 2 has some fantastic actors and actresses!! 

learning - wk end - 4.12.2020

Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 6:07pm

The children in LB2 have all joined in with their remote learning whilst the class is self isolating. They have shown their parents how good they are at reading their books at home and making and writing words. 

Well done Learning Base 2. I will see you Wednesday morning to carry on with your learning. 

learning wk ending 4.12.2020

Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 6:03pm

I have been really impressed with this weeks home learning when I have called home to the parents of the pupils in my class. William has been looking at the numbers 1 and 2 on the hand blender at home with Mum (maths focus was number recognition) and has he enjoyed picture and colour matching from his practical pack sent home. Ismaeel and Zidan have also enjoyed the colour matching activity sent home. Isa has been playing with more open ended objects such as a plastic box and bubbles and Zaydan has been singing along to the nursery rhyme ‘Miss Polly’ which was our focus rhyme this week :)

Week ending 4.12.2020

Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 12:37pm

This week, in Maths, the children have worked incredibly hard revising money. They have established the links between addition and subtraction and they have also dveloped their fluency with the column method of calculations.

In English the children have been writing setting descriptions and they have also written in the first person, imagining that they are the sword from The Sword in the Stone.

See the source image

Class 1 weekly blog WB 30.11.2020

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 8:02pm

This week Class 1 have been venturing into space and joking Baby Bear on his adventure  to the moon in the book Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. We chose where we would like to fly to in our cardboard box rocket  - the most popular choices were Blackpool and Mars. We built our own rocket outside and blasted off on an adventure. 

In maths we have been doing great learning about 4 sided shapes. We have looked for rectangles and squares in the environment and created shape pictures. 

Nativity rehearsals are in full swing and Class 1 has some fantastic actors and actresses!! 

3D shapes in Class 4

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 7:00pm

This week, C4 have been excited to explore 3D shapes. Not only have they been able to name the shapes but they have been on a shape hunt, trying to find 3D objects around the classroom. It would be fantastic if they now went on a 3D shape hunt at home.

We were amazed by the way in which the children worked together to create their own 3D shapes using plasticine and toothpicks. It wasn’t a task to be rushed. Those that took their time, worked well with their partners and created their shapes using small steps, where successful in building their pyramids and cuboids.

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

0161 260 0621
