Our blogs

Learning in Class 8 28.9.21

Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 9:37pm

This week Class 8 have shown great listening skills and focus during their iPad training. They have set up passwords, changed avatars, found their way around all the function buttons, explored different Apps and read and quizzed on how to look after and keep their iPad safe. Once they have completed all 5 trainingiPad photo.jpg lessons they will be bringing their iPad home.

Week Ending 1.10.21

Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 10:41am

This week, we have been working very hard to devlop the children's Metacognition so they are "Thinking about their Thinking" before, during and after lessons, to understand how they are learning.

They have also continued to learning all about Theseus and the Minotaur and they have written a detailed retell of the story!

In Maths, the children have been rounding up or down to make quick estimations and in PSHE they have been thinking about responsibilities at home and school.

Maybe you could give your child a responsibilty at home, that they could talk about in the classroom?

See the source image

The children have also been continuing to  learning all about Hinduism, Electricity and Travelling in PE.


Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 5:15pm

The children have been developing their climbing and jumping skills. We were very impressed with the increase in confidence.

Creating Sensory toys in Class 3

Date: 26th Sep 2021 @ 4:15pm

This week in Class 3 as part of our Science learning, we had the amazing opportunity to make our own sensory toys!

Using cardboard tissue rolls and tissue paper we carefully wrapped and decorated our toys, to make rain 'shakers' adding in cloves to make sure they smelt especially nice, as well as producing a lovely relaxing sound. 

Have a look at some of our designs below. 




Learning - wk end. 24/9/21

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:43pm

The children in Learning Base 2 have had a fantastic week. 

They have decorated hundreds of biscuits to sell to raise money for new resources. 

The children are working together to decide what to buy for their classroom to support their learning. 

Click to see what Year 6 have been learning this week...

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:21pm

This week the children continued thier learning of Rose Blanche and had a go at writing their own alternative ending to the story. It was such a pleasure to see the children capture such an important time with great sympathy and imagination. Well done Year 6!

In maths the children worked on further reinforced their knowledge of fractions to build on next week’s learning where we will be looking at decimals and percentages. 

In our comprehension session we read a text based on Ruby Bridges. This was a great opportunity for the children to discuss racism and encourage being tolerant and respectful of one another.

Lastly, for RE the children discussed what they were grateful for and displayed this on our class tree. 

It has been a great week of learning, see you next week.

Mrs Khalil 


What we've been learning about in Nursery 20/09/21

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 4:30pm

This week we started our new topic which is 'I Wonder All about Me'. We read a story called 'My Mum and My Dad Make me Laugh. We looked at different patterns and talked about them being the same and different. We also looked at animal prints and tried to draw them, using the matching colours. 

In the creative area we painted spots and stripes just like from the story. In the investigating area we made different patterns using natural materials.

Since our new topic is all about family, as a class we looked at family potraits our friends and talked about who we live with.

Gogi Saroj Pal

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 2:15pm

This week we loved learning more about our Indian artist... Gogi Saroj Pal! We used her techniques to help us understand primary and secondary colours in art and applied this to create different tones and shades of colours to begin our final piece of art for our class gallery. 

We also loved exploring the character of the Tiger Child and wrote some amazing descriptive sentences to describe him. We look forward to exploring the setting of the story next week! 9A807082-A826-4105-81FC-BB2655AD4D92.jpeg

Manners, courtesy and respect in Year 5.

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:50am

In PSHE sessions, Year 5 we have been exploring the importance of manners, courtesy and respect. To begin with, we looked at what each of these meant. We also used role play, small group and peer discussions to look at a range of different scenarios in which we would need to use our manners or show respect towards others. It was amazing to hear how positively many of our children would respond in different situations.

Later on, our focus shifted towards looking at what would make a good leader. The child came up with an array of characteristic and because great minds think alike, there were many points that every group of children came up with such as being a positive role model, a good listener, being fair, being democratic, and showing respect and much more.

Throughout the rest of the term, Year 5 will be setting themselves personal goals to ensure that they use their manners, courtesy and respect. We also look forwards to seeing the children conduct themselves as good leaders.

Our learning journey about... India

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 8:01pm

This week we have spent lots of our learning time understanding what life is like in India! We have learnt about how the season are different to those in England. We then developed our our seasons wheels where we drew what you would see during those seasons.  Why not ask us the names of the four seasons?


We then used our artistic skills to create collages of the Indian landscapes and made our own maps of India including the Ganges River, Thar Desert, Himalayas and New Delhi. 


PSHE in Autumn 1 2021

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:42pm

Please see the letter for information about what we are learning in PSHE this half term. /uploads/533/files/PSHE Aut 1 Parent Newsletter.pdf

Learning in Class 8 23.9.21

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:27pm

Class 8 have had a mind blowing Science/Topic lesson. We learnt about the magnetic force of the earth and how a compass works as part of our Forces and Magnets topic. We then went on to make our own compasses using a magnet and a paper clip. We used these on a map of the UK to describe where cities and towns are on the map. Such an exciting afternoon!


Reception Weekly Blog WB 20.09.2021

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:40pm

This week in Reception we have done lots of great learning about the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have drawn story maps and listened to lots of different versions of the story and told it ouselves using puppets. We had lots of fun baking cakes for Grandma too!

We have been looking at some paintings by the artist Picasso and have created our own self portraits in the style of his 'Weeping Woman'.

In Maths we have been singing lots of counting songs and counting movements and objects. In phonics we have focused on the sounds 'i' 'n' 'm' and 'd' learning how to make the sound accurately and form  them correctly in our writing.

Next week we will be reading Peepo and we look forward to hearing lots about the childrens homes and families!

Week Ending 24.9.21

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 7:57am

We have had another super week of learning! The children are working very hard and are trying their best in every subject.

This week the children have bee learning all about Theseus and the Minotaur and they have also been developing the Number knowledge and place value. 

The children have also been learning all about Hinduism, Electricity and Travelling in PE.

See the source image

PSHE Autumn 1 Parents Newletter

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 4:37pm

All about animals

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 3:57pm

Last week the children were learning about African animal. They had great fun in our African small world and using warm colours to create an African picture.

We love INDIA!

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 12:11pm

This week we have spent lots of our learning time understanding what life is like in INDIA! We learnt about how the seasons are different to those we have in England and learnt about the landscapes of India. We used our artistic skills to create collages of the Indian landscapes and made Season wheels to compare the seasons in India to those in England. We also used our number skills and used manipulative to partition numbers and amounts. 2EA2A480-47F2-4C96-913D-37FFCCC9627D.jpeg

PSHE HRE Curriculum Newsletter

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 12:04pm

Please find this terms PSHE HRE Curriculum Newsletter

Getting creative in class 3

Date: 18th Sep 2021 @ 7:42pm

This week in Class 3, we have had so much fun reading the book 'You Choose.' 

The children have been using their imaginations to think about what kind of house they would like to live in, what they would put inside and what kind of things they would like to eat.

We made super setting boxes describing all of our amazing ideas using lots of super adjectives that really impressed our teachers! 

In Science this week we have carried on looking at our topic ' Our bodies.' The children were exploring the sense of 'hearing' and got to use their creative skills to create their own plastic cup telephones. Take a look at some of our creations below. 

Our science telephones
Our science telephones 
Our amazing setting boxes
Our amazing setting boxes 


Tudor portraits in Year 5

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 7:00pm

Y5 have started their topic on Tudors and have learnt about the Battle of Bosworth and how Henry VII became King.

This week, the children have been busy developing their artistic skills in art while drawing their own portraits of Tudor Monarchs. To begin with, they sketched an outline of the king or queen and then added more fine details. Finally, to add more depth, they shaded their drawings using colour pencils. The finished pieces are fantastic and the children had paid a great deal of attention to detail. Y5 are very proud their work and so are we.

Learning - wk end. - 17/9/21

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 4:00pm

This week the children have been raising money for school funds by decorating biscuits. 

The children read the orders from the different classes and counted how many packs of biscuits they needed to make.

The children decorated and sold over 350 biscuits and raised £100. 


Reception Weekly Blog WB13.01.2021

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 11:52am

We have had a fantastic week in Reception finding out all about what makes us INCREDIBLE! Our book this week was Incredible You and to start the week we shared our ideas about what animal we would like to be - we had lots of roaring lions and tigers! Later in the week we thought about why we are incredible then went on to say why other people in the class were incredible and to pay them compliments. The children were very kind and supportive of each others feelings and had lots of nice things to say.

Next week we will be reading Little Red Riding Hood and baking some cakes for Grandma.

In Maths we have been doing lots of counting, singing number songs and have become familiar with the classroom visual time table which shows what order things happen in the classroom.

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