Year 6 Home Learning Packs wb 29/06/20

Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 9:59am

Year 6 Home Learning Packs wb 29/06/20


Plaese collect the home learning pack from school.



How long to spend




Practise these spellings and find the dictionary definition for at least one word in each section.


  • You could use a dictionary or this website:

  • Write meanings for the words using your own words.

20 minutes



10 minutes a day





Book of the week: Way Home


Day 1

  • Look closely at the Front Cover of Way Home.
  • Make brief notes about five things that you notice and what you think might happen in the book.
  • Read First Page Text. Is this how you expected it would be from the front cover. What do you think about Shane? What do you think might happen?
  • Listen to the Reading of the first part of the book, stop the video at 6.14,

Day 2


  • Listen to the Reading of the second part of Way Home, start the video at 6.14, where you ended it yesterday
  • Did the story end as you predicted? What could happen in a sequel to the story?

Day 3


  • Read Cat Speaks 1 and 2.
  • Complete Cat Speaks questions.


Day 4


  • Look at the Last Page of the book.
  • Read Picture Prompts and think about your answers.
  • Choose five of your answers to write as sentences.
  • Complete Objects. Imagine how Shane got each of these objects and why it might be important to him.



Day 5


  • Watch the trailer for A Street Cat named Bob.

* This film is rated 12 and the trailer and extract (included in the resources from the associated book) make passing reference to substance addiction – please watch / read first to check suitability specifically for your child. 

  • How does this true story seem similar to Way Home? How does it feel different? Try to think of three different ways.
  • Read the Extract and answer the Questions.


20 minutes a day


Day 1


  • Use Development/Resolution to note down with words and pictures what you think will happen in the rest of the book. 
  • Write about your predictions. What will happen to Shane? What will happen to the cat? How might the story end?

Day 2


  • Read Through the Windows. This is what Shane says to the cat as they look through the three sets of windows in the book.  
  • Look at Windows. Pick one window and imagine what Shane would say to the cat about it. Write 2 or 3 sentences of speech, making sure that you keep to Shane’s informal style.
  • Challenge yourself to write about the other windows or to imagine and write about other windows.

Day 3


  • Write Way Home as though it is told by the cat.
  • Use your Emotions Graph and some of the ideas that you saw in Cat Speaks 1 and 2.

Day 4


  • Think of 5-10 questions that you would like to ask Shane.
  • Write these down and then imagine his answers to each of them. Write his answers, trying to make them sound like the way he talks in the book.


Day 5


Write a poem about the place you feel most at home.



20 minutes a day



Please continue to practise your handwriting every day. 


There are 5 different hand writing templates for you to be working through over the next week.

10 minutes a day



Mental maths:

Can you please access and try and improve your top score.


Other useful websites you might want to try are

10 minutes a day

4 rules practice:

Go to the website


Over the week work your way through these questions to work on a variety of arithmetic based questions.  

10 minutes a day

Specific area of learning:


Multiply and Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers


Have a go at answering the mild questions.  If your child is finding these too easy have a go at the hot questions.


There are a few investigations for you to complete.

20 minutes a day





Life Cycles


Work your way through the activities.


There is an investigation on maggots but I don’t mind if this is adapted to suit your needs.

Two afternoons




  • Visit this Newsround website about homelessness. Read all the information and take notes about the five things that most stand out to you.
  • Watch Natasha’s story on this website. How is it similar to Way Home? How is it different?
  • Make a poster that shows the five things that you chose as most important from this website. What do you want to tell people about homelessness?


One Afternoon







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