Year 5 Home Learning Packs wb 29/06/20

Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 9:38am

Year 5 Home Learning wb 29/06/20

Please collect a copy of the work from school.



How long to spend





Can you practise the following spellings?  You could create some rainbow words by writing


















Extra Spelling work based on the text Jabu and the Lion.


  • Find out the meanings of the words on Vocabulary.
  • You could use a dictionary or this website:

  • Write meanings for the words using your own words.
  • What story could include all these words? What do you think might happen in it?


20 minutes



10 minutes a day



Jabu and the Lion” is a fun little folk-story about the importance ...


The Lamb and The Tyger (With images) | William blake poems ...

Book of the week: Jabu and the Lion and Tyger by William Blake

Day 1

  • Read Jabu and the Lion Part 1.
  • What do we learn about the character of Jabu? Write three sentences to describe him.

Day 2

  • Read Jabu and the Lion Part 2. What was the biggest surprise about the story? What did you like about the story? Was there anything you didn’t like? What did it remind you of?
  • Write 2 or 3 sentences about each of the characters in the story on Character Summary. How can you best describe them?

Day 3

  • Read Androcles and the Lion.
  • Underline any vocabulary that you’re not sure about and look it up in a dictionary or on
  • What would you say are the three main scenes in this story? Write a single sentence summary of each of them.

Day 4

  • Read The Tyger by William Blake.  It’s an old poem, but you probably can work out some of what it means.
  • Listen to the poem being read:
  • Which is your favourite line in the poem? What patterns can you spot in the poem?


Day 5

  • Read The Tyger by William Blake. Practise reading it until you can read it fluently out loud. 
  • What do you notice new about the poem from reading it again? Can you find three new things?
  • Read The Tyger - Questions. Think about your answers.
  • Write your answers in clear sentences.  



20 minutes a day


Day 1

  • Think about how this story could develop and end. Why is the lion roaring? What will Jabu do? What will happen?
  • Use notes and drawings to show your ideas on Story Development/Ending.
  • Write your version of your predicted development and ending. Try to include some of the new vocabulary in your writing.

Day 2

  • Watch this version of the story. How is it different to the written version?

  • Make a story-map. Use words and pictures to make yourself a reminder of the main events of the story.
  • Use your story-map to either practise telling the story out-loud yourself OR to help you make a Comic-strip version of the story

Day 3

  • Think about the theme of both of these stories: Keeping Promises.
  • Think of your own story on the same theme. Who could make a promise? What will they promise? To who? Will they keep it or break it? What will happen? Plan your story on the Story-Planner.
  • Write your own story.

Day 4

  • Look carefully at Tiger Images 1-3. Make notes about what you notice.
  • Watch this Deadly 60 Video Clip about tigers. Make more notes about what you notice.

  • Turn some of your notes into Descriptive Phrases. Try to use precise vocabulary, alliteration, metaphors and similes.
  • Try organising some of your phrases into a poem about tigers.


Day 5

  • Look at William Blake’s presentation of the poem. William Blake was a poet and artist who wrote this poem in 1794. What do you like about his presentation? Is there anything that you dislike?
  • Choose at least one verse from the poem. Use your best handwriting and add illustrations to present the poem beautifully.



20 minutes a day



Please continue to practise your handwriting every day. 


There are 5 different hand writing templates for you to be working through over the next week.

10 minutes a day



Mental maths:

Can you please access and try and improve your top score.


Other useful websites you might want to try are

10 minutes a day

4 rules practice:

Go to the website


Over the week work your way through week 1 – Adding using Formal methods

10 minutes a day

Specific area of learning:


Using known facts to practise division


Have a go at answering the mild questions.  If your child is finding these too easy have a go at the hot questions.


There are a few investigations for you to complete.

20 minutes a day





Evaporation and Condensation


Have a look at the data provided and answer the questions relating to the evaporation from different containers.


Carry out your own investigation based on different liquids.


Two afternoons




As your child is about to move into Year 6, its time to have a think about what they are good at what hopes and dreams they have for the future.

One Afternoon



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