Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.11.2022
Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 1:10pm
This week in Nursery we have been doing some fantastic learning about The Gingerbread Man. We have listened to different versions of the story and created actions to acoompany the story. We have practised our fine motor skills by using tweezers to add eyes and buttons to gingerbread men and finished off the week by making our own gingerbread biscuits - thank you to everyone who bought one to raise money for Children in Need.
Last week the children started reading in Nursery using books without words linked to their current phonics phase - Phase 1 - this will happen every FRiday. In addition, this week they have all chosen a book from our Nursery library to take home and enjoy reading with adults at home. This will be changed in family group time evry 2 weeks. We will not be able to send a book home unless we have a book bag in school.
On Friday we had a fantastic 'Children in Need' day in Nursery - all the children looked splendidly spotty!!