Nursery Weekly Blog WB 6.3.2023
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 12:47pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning about night and day based on the book 'Cant you sleep little bear?'They have really enjoyed thinking about how the bears were feeeling throughout the story.Here is a link to the animated version of the story which you could enjoy with your child!
The children arrived on Monday morning to find that there was a cave in Nursery - they loved exploring with lights and shadows and even doing cave drawings on the cave ceiling. They have made some sensational sensory bottles with glow in the dark stars to use in the cave and Nursery - watching how the stars swirled was very relaxing!!
The children have also made a shadow puppet theatre and experimented making shadows with their hands.
Next week we will be looking at pushes and pulls using the book The Enormous Turnip.