03 April 2020 -Learning by Questions (LbQ) - Information on Home Learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:36pm

03 Apr 2020

For information on daily home learning for the children during the school closure

Each day 3 new tasks will be set by your child’s class teacher. These task will be find by following the link below your child’s class web page. All task must be at any time during the day but before 4.00pm.

https://www.lbq.org/Task You can also get the LbQ Tasks app on your iPad, Android or Windows device.

Each day a new code will be added on to your child’s class web page to complete a learning task. These task will be checked by the class teacher daily and assessments can be made. This will inform any follow up tasks.

The following document has step by step instructions on how to access the learning tasks:

LqB home learning 2020.pdf

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
