Home learning 17/05/21
Date: 20th May 2021 @ 7:39pm
Home Learning- Nursery - WB: 17.05.2021
Communication and Language |
Completed by... |
This week we are learning all about Air travel. Can you think of any of the types of transport we may see flying in the sky?
The activity is to ask your child simple questions about learning of the week. This helps the children really focus on boosting their communication and language by feeding back their learning from school.
Questions below: Can parents either record their child's answer or type up answers on SEESAW The answers to the questions will be in the brackets below.
1. What have we been learning about this week? (Air travel: plane, helicopter and hot air balloon)
2. Before you go on a plane what important thing do need? (Passport)
3. Why do you think we need a passport?
4.Who drives a plane? (Pilot)
Writing – Name writing |
Name writing
Can parents give a big push with name writing at home. If your child can write their first name please focus on their surname.
Can these be practiced on paper, then parents to upload pictures of these. |
Home learning to be completed at any time throughout the week. All activities are set on seesaw, once they are completed we would like you to send it back to us on seesaw. If you have any questions you can send us a message through the inbox. Thanks, Miss Pervez.